« crema di mais con tofu e pomodoro (seconda versione) / corn soup with tofu and tomato (second version) | Main | variazione sul tema tiramisù / variation on a theme of tiramisu »

September 14, 2009


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I want to try these as well, maybe next time we have guests over.


Sorry for being so late to visit but I am having problems with my internet connection and most of the time do not have any internet.
That's very interesting and a very difficult challenge. Sounds both different and delicious. I'd love to try these.


Ciao Simo, che bella tecnica per ottenere polpa di pomodoro....a volte non si pensa alle cose più semplici...proprio due ore fa, mi son comprata "L'ultimo chef cinese" e ora comincerò a gustarmelo.. ops..a forza di parlare di cucina...volevo dire a leggerlo, un bacio!

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. I hope you try them: they are really nice.

Hi Ivy. I have been reading about your connection problems: how frustrating. I hope you get a reliable connection soon. It requires a bit of organization, as the dish is made up of three components, but it was certainly worth the effort.

Ciao Astro. E' una tecnica molto comoda e io la uso spesso. Spero davvero che il libro ti piaccia. Buona lettura.





I just this season was able to get hold of fresh shelling beans (similar to cranberry beans, called Tongues of Flame), and I loved cooking with them. I wish I could get more. Your dosas and filling sound delicious, real comfort food. Dosas are another thing I love!

Simona Carini

Yes, dear Paz.

Glad to read you got some shelling beans and liked them, Lisa. I am not sure why they are so hard to find. I will treasure the ones I have frozen. Dosas were a pleasant surprise and will soon be again on the menu.

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