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September 09, 2009


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I wanted to make so many of the things mentioned in The Last Chinese Chef! But I felt oh so not up to the task; very daunting.

Of course, we are all about corn out here in the Midwest right now...


Yes, try one more time. You never know what will happen. ;-)

Congrats on the new camera.


Simona Carini

Ciao Lisa. I enjoyed reading about all the dishes, but, like you, did not feel up to the task. I can imagine your farmers' market has plenty of corn. I'd recommend some corn soup...

Thanks, Paz: I will. This little adventure is making me more comfortable with using tofu. Thanks! I like the camera, actually. It's that I need to train my hands and brain on a new set of commands and options.


I admire your determination!
The soup sounds exquisite! And I enjoy hearing about your trials to achieve different textures to the tofu.I am preparing a lot of tofu these days and am delighted to learn another version!Grazie,Mia.


This soup sounds delicious and the zinnia flowers at the farmers' market are true symbols of late summer's abundance.

Good luck with your new camera! Which one did you get?

Simona Carini

Thanks, Mia. If a dish intrigues me, I am capable of working at it for a while. And in this case, it is a pleasure, since the results have been very good so far, in their difference.

Thanks, Merisi. I got a Nikon D5000 with an 18 to 55 mm lens.

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