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August 26, 2009


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Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Good luck with your new camera.
Oregon is so beautiful. My then-husband and I did a bicycle trip around the entire northwest quadrant of the state some years ago. Great way to see the state!


Hi Simona!

Looks like youve had a lovely trip! I had no idea oregon was soooo beautiful!YOur photos are astonishing! and the chocolate...mmmmmmm..I dont even know how you could resist..I can taste them from here..! :D

Simona Carini

Thanks Lori Lynn. I need to exercise patience with me, as I slowly become familiar with a different set of commands. A bicycle trip around Oregon sounds like fun!

Ciao Mia. The parts of Oregon I have seen are indeed beautiful. Prior to this trip, we visited the coastal part. I guess I am good at rationalizing the rationing of a goody. The next time I visit the area, I will buy more.

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