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August 28, 2009


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It sounds delicious! I love corn, and maybe I will make the soup tonight.


Non ho mai cucinato il mais e proprio alcune settimane fa ero tentata dall'acquisto osservando delle bellissime pannocchie, ma poi ho desistito.
L'idea della crema mi piace molto :))


Love the sound of this! I'm really imagining the flavors.


Brava! A most thoughtful and delicious post!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Laura. I think that roasting the corn makes for a more intense flavor. Let me know if you try it.

Ciao Lenny. Anche io non avevo mai cucinato il mais fino a che sono rimasta in Italia. Qui e' molto tradizionale, soprattutto grigliato, e a mio marito piace molto. Ora che ci ho preso la mano, e' una cosa che consiglio. E adesso si trovano le pannocchie appena colte.

Hi Kalyn. The flavors are a nice combination. I can't wait to make it again.

Thanks, Rachel!


I like memoirs, even if in this case it's fictional. Interesting-sounding book. You've made me very hungry. ;-)



That sounds delicious! I would love to try the concentrated essence of 30 crabs but like you thought that was an undertaking beyond me!


An interesting interpretation of the food found in the novel. I love your twist on Sam's dish.


tofu is still one of those ingredients that is simply not available in crete, so i wasn't able to uise it in my own choice for cook the books - great idea, and i love the tomatos on top

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. I recommend the book: it's very nice.

Hi Foodycat. I am wondering how big they are. Still, the image I have is that of a mountain of crab shells.

Thanks, Arlene.

That's interesting, Maria. I imagine that the same is true in other parts of the Mediterranean.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

That 30 crab tofu sounds amazing, and your soup sounds mighty delicious as well! I need to look into that tofu process.


My Dear Simona!

I find this book very intriguing indeed! (apart from the crabs.. :( ).
I enjoy very much the philosophical takes on the preparation of food..I might just look this book up!I also enjoy very much your creative adaptation!Brava!


bè ora dopo il mio viaggio , mi sento quasi "obbligata" a leggere questo libro ;-)) la crema di mais non mi è nuova...ma il tofu invece mi è sconosciuto....mi dovrò aggiornare, ciao un bacio!


The book sounds very interesting and your version of the soup sounds great.

Simona Carini

Indeed, Lori Lynn. I am trying to imagine how intense the flavor was.

Ciao Mia. I hope you'll be able to find the book. It is a pleasant reading overall and the story of the Last Chinese Chef is very interesting.

Ciao Astro. Quando ho scorperto che il libro e' stato tradotto in italiano, ti ho pensata subito. Fammi sapere se lo leggi e cosa ne pensi.

It is very interesting, Ivy, and a really pleasant read. Thanks.


I will try to Simona..I also really enjoyed the way you interpreted the principles of integrating the embrace of your own culture with newly adapted elements of a foreign culture..such a loevly way of seeing it... *


I love your line, "...without cluttering up the flavor space." That was great. And you are so right about the theme of reconnecting with one's heritage. I really, really enjoyed that book. More than I had expected to. Your soup sounds delicious.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Mia.

Thanks, Lisa. The soup beat my expectations. It was a pleasant adventure.


This is nice post. I like corn soup and corn recipe.
The taste of corn soup is yummy and its also good for health.

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