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July 16, 2009


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Concordo sull'idea di Montalbano di lettura personale e soggettiva :))


All this delicious bread! I love it. And would love to taste them all. And I think so would Montalbano. I'd like to share a meal with him, too -- share a scanata loaf and pick up the fallen sesame seeds with my moistened forefinger. Yum! ;-)



What an accomplishment baking all this bread~I think my favorite would be the sesame seed one. Lot of work to make this!


Wow, this is a lot of work but all the bread sound delicious.


that is a lot of bread. nomnomnomnom - how long has it taken you to eat your collective way through all of that? the black olive cheeks sound deliiiiicious.


Simona, this is a wonderful post. I can't believe how many breads you made! They all look so good, but the sesame bread and the panini with olives are really calling my name. It's great that you went back to our roots, back to Camilleri. I loved that scene in Rounding the Mark where he picks up the sesame seeds on his fingers; it made quite an impression on me when I read the book (now I think I'll read it again).

Thanks again for doing this event with me. It's always so interesting and fun.


ehii ma quanti bei pani che vedo qui...li hai fatti tutti tu? sei una brava panificatrice ;-)) usi lievito madre o di birra...o secco? ciaooo!


OK, that's it - I just put "The Shape of Water" in my Amazon cart, my first Montalbano. Although I'd been tempted b/4 by all of your posts on the series, the sesame seeds and olives did it. : ) Your breads are just amazing, Simona, and to be savored, just the way the inspector does.


Four kinds of bread? I'd say you got a little carried away, but they all look delicious. The lunetta looks particularly wonderful. :)

Simona Carini

Ciao Lenny. Sei anche tu una lettrice di Camilleri?

Ciao Paz. I am sure he would like that too. He likes to also eat in company, but the other person is required to keep silent during the meal: he liked to eat in silence, for better concentration.

Ciao Jann. I love baking bread and like experimenting with new kids of bread.

Hi Ivy. Baking bread is such a pleasure for me, I could do it almost every day.

Hi Flory. There is only two of us in the family, so I usually freeze some of the bread I make. Or I bake it for a dinner with friends and send them home with some. And if/when I have leftovers that have become a bit stale, I have a couple of recipes in which I can use them. That's actually a good idea for a post, so stay tuned.

Ciao Lisa. I like to bake bread and I have had Montalbano in mind for a few weeks. He actually rarely talks about bread. The olive panini are delicious, so much so that I cannot leave them out on the counter: they disappear rapidly. I also like that there are so many bread traditions: I wish there were a bread atlas for each Italian region.

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. Si' li ho fatti tutti io: mi piace un sacco fare il pane. Quelli di questo post sono fatti tutti utilizzando il lievito secco istantaneo. Quando ho fatto il secondo ci ho messo un po' di pasta madre come accento personale. Il lievito di birra qui non si usa comunemente: le ricette usano il lievito secco e quelle nei libri di solito quello istantaneo. La differenza e' che non lo si deve far attivare in un liquido tiepido: lo si aggiunge agli ingredienti a temperatura ambiente. Uso anche la pasta madre: ne ho una buona che posso tenere in frigo quando, come ora, sono via per qualche giorno. L'ho anche conservata in freezer senza problemi.

That's great Susan! I hope you'll like the book: let me know. I think my bread-baking skills are slowly improving.

Hi Adele. One thing led to another, so to speak, and soon enough I was deep into this adventure. But it was fun and I learned a lot in the process.


Wow, this is a great entry: I recently read In Defense of Food and am also trying to savor food and flavor better, much like the Inspector. I also am hoping to get back into my bread baking, so this is a fantastic list to keep around!

Simona Carini

Thanks Ruhama. I find bread baking very satisfying. With so many recipes available, you can always find one that fits your schedule. Sometimes I decide to bake in the morning, sometimes I have time to plan ahead a bit and can make a more complex recipe.


grazie Simo, risposta esauriente ;-) un bacio!

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