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July 08, 2009


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Those peaches looks absolutely delicious and your composta even more delicious!

Paz *drooling*


quindi è un cotto e mangiato ;-))...cioè non l'hai messo nei vasetti tipo marmellata da conservare?...anch'io non sono molto per il dolce, quindi mi fido del tuo controllo di qualità e segno le pesche alla composta istantanea.Ciauzzz!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Paz. I hope you can find juicy peaches near you.

Cotto e mangiato, esattamente. Piu' avanti usero' una ricetta simile per fare le conserve. Fammi sapere se la provi.

Simona Carini

Precisazione: mio marito ha mangiato la composta tiepida, ma si puo' prepararla il giorno prima e conservarla in frigo fino al momento di utilizzarla.


I love peaches too,what a great sollution you have found yourself having them delivered at your door!:) I also love what you do with the peaches,it sounds divine! As for the name-how about 'peach divine'?! hehe :)


CSAs can be a great thing. How nice to be assured of peaches every week. I know what you mean about standing in line at the market; our popular fruit farmer always has a line for her berries, peaches, etc. Your compote sounds wonderful and I feel like I can almost smell it. What a perfect summer breakfast.


I am not sure why but peaches are not high in my list of summer fruit, as I would rather ingest a copious amount of apricot before I touch a peach. But you just reminded me of the dessert I used to make last year at the last restaurant I worked at. I will have to make it and post about it. Some how baked peaches taste better to me.

How is life? Looking forward to the next meeting.


I saw you featured in Ilva's Top 10 Italian Blogs!
I've visited your site a few times and found it very useful, I'm glad you're getting the recognition you deserve.
Ti lo meriti!


I made an apricot compote some days ago but now I've started watching my diet and I am so sad that it's still there in the refrigerator. I would love to make your peaches, they sound delicious.


Peaches are one of the stone fruits that I really like, and this sounds delicious! I like it that you made them less sweet too. Not sure about a name, maybe Lavender and Orange Stewed Peaches. (I make up these names, can you tell?)

Simona Carini

Peach divine sounds lovely, Mia. Thanks for the suggestion!

So far, it's been really nice, Lisa. And I like the element of suspense, followed by surprise, that spices up my Tuesdays. In fact, it's Monday now and I am already wondering what I will find in the box tomorrow.

Ciao Laura. I love apricots too, and apriums. However, here where I am peaches are more readily available. I am looking forward to your upcoming post. And we'll definitely meet again when I am down there next time.

Ciao Marta and welcome. Thanks for the kind words.

Hi Ivy. I understand: it's not easy to stay away from it. I am crazy about fruit in general and have to make sure I don't go overboard. As a child, all the episodes of overeating that I remember had to do with fruit (once it was peaches).

Thanks Kalyn for your suggestion! I had not thought about using using the adjective stewed.


Lovely peaches! They are so often woolly that a bit of heat to concentrate the flavour is just the thing. Composta sounds unfortunate though.


veeeery good :)


thank you - i loved the concept of Novel Food! i wish we could get nice, not-so-expensive peaches here. they tend to be expensive because they're imported.

Recipe man

YUM!! thanks.novel food is a great creative idea


Preferisco anch'io le composte alle confetture per quel particolare aroma che sprigionano in cottura: generalmente preparo le composte con il primo metodo da te sperimentato e mi incuriosisce la seconda opzione :))

Simona Carini

Hi Foodycat. I agree that this way the peach flavor gets concentrated.

Grazie Baol.

Hi Flory. I imagine the peaches must be expensive and not tree-ripened. That is actually the biggest plus of getting them in my CSA box: they are just picked.

Thanks, Recipe Man

Ciao Lenny. La composta e' per un consumo rapido. Sviluppero' il metodo di cui sopra per fare qualcosa da conservare piu' a lungo: vedremo che cosa succede.


grande dilemma quello tra composta, marmellata, frutta cotta, io su questo per ora passo. Ma non posso passare sulla tua composta di pesche bio, addirittura con solo un cucchiaio di miele viene così buona? Non c'è nulla di fare, tutto dipende dall'ingrediente di base, che nel tuo caso mi sembra di capire sia speciale. Un bacio e buona domenica!

Simona Carini

L'ingrediente di base e' importante, certo. E anche il fatto che questa composta e' per un consumo immediato. Per un consumo piu' ritardato, sto facendo esperimenti. Ci vuole un po' piu' di zucchero, e accorgimenti per evitare che succedano cose poco piacevoli nel barattolo. Il mese scorso ho fatto un workshop nel laboratorio di un'artista delle conserve a Berkeley e ho imparato un po' di cose che mi aiutano negli esperimenti in corso. Poi parlero' dei risultati.

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