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July 31, 2009


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My ex-boyfriend lived in a tiny apartment across the Scala Contarini or "del Bovolo", as it is known among Venetians, what a magnificent piece of architecture. I never had the pleasure to walk up because it was closed for years.

I once had to be admitted to the hospital on a Saturday for severe abdominal pain. Apparently they couldn't do any testing over the weekend, since nobody works either day, so they would have kept me in laying in bed until Monday. By the time I got to the hospital I felt better so I signed the discharge papers and went home. I was sure happy to be back in the US to get the farther testing I needed.

Speaking of signs...there is a street sign that says "Sotoportego Casin dei Nobili", which means under-arcade of the brothel, or Casin, of the nobles. The building you walk under, through the arches, hosted a brothel for nobility once. The sign was painted over for years, and the place re-named "Sotoportego San Barnaba" because of some prude municipality. Thanks to a municipality that believed more in history than in morality the sign is now restored to its original name.

I miss my beloved city, but it would be hard to get used to certain things that make no sense. Take it or leave it, I guess.

I am counting the months until I go back though.


One more things....one of my friends had memorized some pretty amazing stuff he had heard coming out of the mouths of gondolieri, hard core. They are pretty hilarious, but unfortunately for the tourists, most of them speak the local dialect together, so they are hard to understand.

Venice is an amazing place, I am glad to hear you love it so much. Maybe one day we'll be there at the same time.


I would love to return to Venezia. Only spent one day there on my way to Parma. It was open but very crowded but I still had a good time there.

Both Merisi's sites are wonderful.

Now I have to visit the link you provided for Laura's site. Love her title. ;-)

Thanks for sharing your memories of Venice with us.



Ciao Simona!

Finalmente anche io sono in vacanza! Se torni a Milano (prima di dicembre) fatti sentire...altrimenti poi dovrete venire in Puglia :)

Un abbraccio

Simona Carini

Thanks Laura for your notes. I was sorry to read il Bovolo is closed again. I have a dear friend in Venice and owe to him my first visit to it. I didn't know the story you mention of the Sotoportego Casin dei Nobili. It would be great to meet you in Venice. I hope to visit in October, but we have no set plans yet.

Ciao Paz. I hope you can go back: Venice requires time. Though it is often crowded, one can usually manage to find some quieter spot to enjoy the city. I knew you'd like Laura's site's name.

Ciao Baol. Se tutto va bene, saremo a Milano ad Ottobre e naturalmente te lo faccio sapere. Fai buone vacanze! Non mi dispiacerebbe affatto farmi un giro in Puglia.


Lovely travelogue, Simona. Venice (along w/ Florence, the Amalfi Coast, and Lake Garda) is on our wish list when we have the time to visit Italy someday.


Che bella Venezia! Beautiful pics and post. Thanks :)

Simona Carini

Hi Susan. I hope that day comes soon.

You are welcome, Marta.

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