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June 22, 2009


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Jeremy Parzen

is there anywhere in Italy where you eat the whole pod? I've never seen that...


Growing up in the states Ive known these kind of peas,but havent seen them in a long time..Those lovely poppies are a delightful sight! Good for you,Bravo!


eccoli i piselli mangiatutto :-)

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

I have never thought of roasting peas. This sounds very interesting.

The poppy is gorgeous!

Simona Carini

Ciao Jeremy. Yours is a good question and I tried to answer it in my footnote. I have never eaten this kind of peas in Italy.

Ciao Mia. I hope you'll find some: they are so easy to cook and so good.

Ciao Francesca. Spero di riuscire a fare una foto decente la prossima volta che li preparo cosi' posso farvi vedere come sono.

Hi Lori Lynn. I also found the recipe interesting. Let me know if you try it. Thanks, I love my red poppy: it is so cheerful.


I like a combination of sugar snaps, snow peas (which we call mangetout in England, on the same principle as mangiatutto) and regular peas as a warm salad with a bit of lemon juice and olive oil as the dressing.

Simona Carini

Hi Foodycat. What a nice idea! An all-pea salad. Thank you so much for the suggestion.

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briciole di italiano

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