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May 27, 2009


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Very nice job! I like your idea for less sugar. With apples, you can get away with less. Looks delicious.


Very well done, again! Your strudel looks delicious!


Great post. And yes sometimes the beautiful fruit doent have the flvaor as one that has been around a bit.i Have to research more of the Italian dessert you mentioned.


Complimenti per questa sfida, lo strudel è davvero un lavoraccio. Ma ne vale la pena, io lo adoro.


Lovely strudel. And I agree on the "uglies" I've heard the same thing.


Absolutely amazing!I remember your admirable patience and creativity from the "marzipan snake" you made..once again you astonish me with your meticulous investment,Bravo! it looks superbly delicious!


Simona, non ho mai sentito della Rocciata, incredibile quante cose non so delle varie regioni Italiane. Lo strudel e' una cosa che mi porta indietro nel tempo, e il tuo e' venuto bellissimo. Che bonta'.


You did a beautiful job on the strudel. Your pastry is so wonderfully thin and flaky.

Natalie @ Gluten a Go Go


Glad you liked the challenge :) Your strudel looks wonderful!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Shannon. Raisins also add sweetness to the filling.

Thanks, Ivy.

Thanks, Courtney. I wonder if it is made at all outside of Italy.

Grazie Alex. Anche a me piace molto.

Thanks, Jenny. Plus, those shiny, perfect apples remind me so much of Snow White!

Thanks, Mia. I approach certain tasks with a sort of meditative perspective, focusing on the simple beauty of the material I am handling. The result not always matches expectations, but I still enjoy the making. I must admit that this time I was proud of myself.

Ciao Laura. E' un dolce tipicamente umbro, in particolare di alcune zone dell'Umbria, come, appunto, Foligno. La rasomiglianza con lo strudel e' davvero interessante, data la distanza geografica.

Thanks, Natalie. I was very happy with the result.

I loved teh challenge, Linda: thanks again for it.


Excellent strudel! I want to try your rocciata, too. Anything with apples! ;)


I agree, Simona - the best apples are not necessarily the prettiest. There are some fabulous heirloom varieties which we'll never see outside of local markets. Shame.
That's a lovely strudel, inside and out.

Simona Carini

I am a big apples' fan, Chris, so I totally agree with you: anything with apples!

I love heirloom varieties, Susan, sometimes in odd shapes and always with interesting flavor. There are some growers in this area that carry on the tradition, so I consider myself lucky. Thanks!

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