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May 14, 2009


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I'm intrigued by the sauce you created. It does sound pretty decent to me.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Oh gee Simona - it sounds so wonderful gnocchi with zucchini blossom. Don't really need perfect photos, I can Taste From Your Words.


And how do you know if a zucchini blossom is male or female? And does it matter, from a taste standpoint or otherwise?

I love someone else's gnocchi. I can never cook them satisfactorily. They always turn out gummy. My husband claims he does not like them but I know he just does not like mine.


Buona idea quella di aromatizzare gli gnocchi con un po' di buccia di limone grattugiata. La prossima volta ce la metto anche io. Per me gli gnocchi di ricotta sono stata una piacevolissima scoperta, anche perchè sono talmente veloci nella realizzazione!

Simona Carini

Hi Giz and thanks. I used a similar combination to make risotto the day after. I hope to write about it soon.

Thanks Lori Lynn. It's just that I was disappointed at having to delete several photos. The light was not right and the gnocchi needed to be eaten immediately: not a good combination for some satisfactory photography.

Hi Julia. The female blossom has the baby zucchini, while the male blossom has a stalk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zucchini). I use both, depending on what is available. For example, I like making risotto with baby zucchini and their blossoms. Let me know what recipe you use for gnocchi (I assume you refer to potato gnocchi). I really liked this recipe (I have already made it three times) and would suggest to give it a try.

Ciao Alex. Visto che eravamo sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda! Anche io sono contenta di averli provati: li ho gia' fatti tre volte in pochi giorni.


siamo ghiotti di gnocchi da queste parti ehh...questi poi sono una bontà e di sicura riuscita, ciao un bacio e buon WE!!


Ciao Simonaaaaaaaa!!!!

Come va la vita? Spero bene
un abbraccio dall'Italia


That's a great idea to flavour the gnocchi with lemon zest and nutmeg. It sounds delicious.





Oh, Simona! I have wanted to buy The Home Creamery for so long. Do you recommend it? I'm glad you enjoyed the gnocchi. I'll be honest, we weren't as thrilled with them. Baci!

Simona Carini

Ebbene si', lo confesso, casa Astro, gli gnocchi mi piace sia farli che mangiarli e questi di ricotta sono delicati e gustosi.

Ciao Baol! Qui tutto bene. Spero anche te. Un abbraccio di ritorno.

Thanks, Ivy. I really liked the result.

Indeed, Paz.

Ciao Ivonne. I have actually made only two recipes from that book: the one for ricotta mentioned above and the one for buttermilk. I am planning to try a more complex recipe soon, like cottage cheese. I loved the gnocchi and so did my husband. I am very grateful for the choice of recipe.

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