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April 02, 2009


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ti ho trovato tramite Chris. Io sono di Venezia e vivo nella Bay Area, vino negli usa da 17 anni.

Che piacere leggere il tuo blog e scoprire cha anche tu fai parte del gruppo Daring Bakers e hai fatto le lasagne. Che buona la pasta agli spinaci.

Mi piace vedere tutte le parole italiane che usi nei tuoi posts, idea originale. Domani ti verro' a trovare di nuovo.

A presto,



I know this play! Or rather, I heard about this play from a friend who saw it in New York, and enjoyed it very much.

Your tartine look delightful. :)


I love the whole concept of tea as a meal. Mmmm, you got me thinking about cucumber sandwiches... Is it lunchtime yet?


Your little sandwiches are darling! I love all of the toppings, especially the egg and the ricotta with honey - mmm. And of course -- the bread looks and sounds divine.

I like reading plays, too, although I haven't read a play in a long time. I remember reading T.S. Eliot's The Cocktail Party aloud with my dad; we'd take different parts.

Sounds like you had a great time at the theatre; makes me wish I were in SF or NY. :)

Thanks for another round of Novel Food, partner!


All your tartine sound amazing so does your bread.


Le tartine mi ricordano le feste da adolescente, dove non mancavano mai ed era facile perdersi in tutti quei gusti stuzzicanti e quei colori vivaci.

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Mi fa piacere che tu mi abbia trovato e spero di conoscerti presto.

Hi Adele. I read good reviews of the NYC show (where Rupert Everett plays Charles Condomine). The dialog is sparkling and totally enjoyable.

Hi Mar. Afternoon tea can indeed turn into a meal. It sounds like you like cucumber sandwiches.

Thanks Lisa. I have never read aloud a play, though I remember one of my English teachers in college saying that it was important, since the words are written to be spoken aloud. It's always a pleasure to do this with you, so much fun.

Hi Ivy. It's an excellent bread and not too time-consuming to make. It also freezes well.

Anche a me, Lenny. Tartine e pizzette erano la mia passione e parte della gioia era sostare pensierosa davanti al vassoio, indecisa sulla prossima scelta.


I'd love to taste your sandwiches. Your bread sounds and looks really good.

So, it's playing in NY? Hmmm... ;-)


Lori Lynn

Love how your little sandwiches look on that platter.

Simona Carini

Hi Paz. The bread is really good and the play is running now, to very good reviews.

Thanks, Lori Lynn. It was a fun project.

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