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April 13, 2009


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Thanks for re-mentioning the earthquake. I am thinking I will need to do that. It has disappeared from the news.

I had no idea there was a musical based on BLITHE SPIRIT. As a playwright and Noel-Coward lover, I adore the play ANd crumpets - so very English and so lovely. Thanks for posting this. I would never have thought of making it at home!


You make the cooking Disaster sound so sweeet!
Did you ever think of taking up writing??
I could easily see this episode as a cute video clip!

Im so sorry to hear about the Earthquake,and join you in wishing for life to be rebuilt as much as possible..and as quick as possible.

I really enjoyed the idea of your friend`s blog as a joint blog between friends who live in different places..how beautiful!

Simona Carini

Hi Claudia. The earth seems to have stopped moving, so now begins the task of reconstruction, which I hope will be carried out quickly and responsibly.

Hi Mia and thanks for your kind words. I think writing about a disaster is helpful in putting it into perspective. When you look back at what happen, it tends to be funny.


Ha! A recipe or any other tool that provided a way to recycle bad coffee would have great environmental benefits.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

Simona Carini

I agree with you, Peter. I wonder if, for example, some plants would like it and/or some pests would not. I have been using coffee grounds as slug control + nutrient provider in my little garden.

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