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February 08, 2009


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MMMMmmmmuhammara. This is a very tasty post! I made a batch of this recently, too, following the recipe in "The Language of Baklava" and it was awfully addictive, I agree.


da spalmare sul pane deve essere squisito e pure un po' piccantino! ;)

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Oh I love how she describes the dip's power to get everyone to quit running around and come to the table.
The Power of Dip! Who knew?
It sounds delicious.


Ottimo con le fette di pane tostato ... ma anche la pita .....
Non saprei quale connubio scegliere

Simona Carini

Thanks, Rachel. Yesterday I bought a red bell pepper and you can imagine what I will use it for...

Ciao Lo. Infatti, muhammara e' piccante. Io ho ridotto a meta' la quantita' di peperoncino eppure si sentiva!

The Power of Dip: love it, Lori Lynn. It is really delicious and I recommend it.

Ciao Lenny, in realta' e' un dilemma. E' che il pane lo faccio regolarmente, mentre la pita non ho ancora provato a farla, ma rimediero' presto.


this is a dip that is a true treat to the senses - visually, to the nose, and to the tastebuds. thanks for remining me about it.


Wonderful sounding event. Wonderful-sounding dish. Delicious! The book sounds very interesting.

I like the new look of your blog.


Your dip sounds great.


mmmm I love red bell peppers! I havent heard of Muhammara,it looks delicious,Im dying to try it! I am equally intrigued by the book,as I am fascinated by all mixed-cultural experiences! thanx,ciao,Mia

Simona Carini

Well said, bee.

Thanks, Paz for the feedback on the new look. The event is truly fun.

It's been a hit with everybody so far, Ivy.

I love bell peppers too, Mia, and had not heard of muhammara before reading the book. I hope you get to try it: it's really delicious.


help me....oltre a quella cremina fantastica, che credo mio marito apprezzerebbe molto per il piccantoso.....c'è per caso una raccolta?

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro. Ti spiego tutto per email.

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