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February 26, 2009


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I would love to try the sweet lime :)

Bellini Valli

This would be very refreshing Brciole:D

Simona Carini

Hi Maryann. It is indeed an interesting experience: the expectation gets upset.

Thanks, Valli.


arrivoooooooooooo...all'ultimo momento, ma eccomi qua, ti lascio la ricettina del mese
e un bacione, ciao!


Si può partecipare con una ricetta di dolci?
Se sì potrei farlo con il mini rotolo al bergamotto ....


Hi Simona, in summer i use to eat a lot of ice-cream done with this lovely fruit...very good

kisses from Milan

Lori Lynn

Sounds like a great topping for cauliflower.

Gosh, I am late, I made a lime pie for your event, but haven't photographed it or posted it yet. I am going to try to get this to you by tonight, OK?


this sounds lovely i am going to have to try making cauliflower this way!

Simona Carini

Mitica Astro, grazie!

Certamente, Lenny.

Ciao Baol. You know, it is a flavor of ice cream that I have not yet tried to make. I'll let you know when I do. Kisses back: hope everything is going well. Hang in there: spring is coming soon.

Thanks, Lori Lynn: lime pie sounds wonderful.

Hi Ms Gourmet and welcome. I hope you do: it is really tasty.


Nice! Having personally tasted your delicious creations of baked veggies, I'm sure that this is as good as one can imagine from the enticing ingredient list.

Simona Carini

Grazie, Marta. This is a dish I've made often: it is easy and the result is tasty.


In Mexico we use limetta (we call it lima) on traditional recipes such as sopa de lima. We also eat it as it is in posadas and around christmas. It makes one mean lima pie

Simona Carini

Hi Sofia. "Sopa de lima" sounds quite appealing: I will look for a recipe. Thanks for sharing interesting information.

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