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March 02, 2009


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Looking forward to it, partner!


Hi Simona!
This is truly a beautiful and inspiring event!I was wondering,does text from the bible count as literary work? ciao,Mia

Simona Carini

Dear Mia, it certainly does. And now I am curious about what you'll come up with.


Wheee! I *just* was telling my hubby that I need to make something to go with Dealing with Dragons in anticipation of this event. I'm in!


Hi, First time here. What a lovely event!
I'd love to participate.
Got to review both round-ups, I got the perfect book in mind, but don't want to repeat any recipe...


Ciao Simona, e io come al solito S.O.S. ??? cosa bolle in pentola? ;-))


Hi Simona,

Ive sent you my entry,I hope you recieved it..
See you at the event.. :)


I wish I had time to read. Blogging is taking most of my time and I have set aside all of my interests.

Simona Carini

Same with me, Lisa.

A title like "Dealing with Dragons" definitely wets my appetite: I am looking forward to reading your post, Ruhama.

Welcome, Olga: so glad the roundups were useful and thrilled you'd like to participate.

Ciao Marta, SOS ricevuto e messaggio esplicativo mandato.

I have received it, Mia, thanks.

I can understand that, Ivy.


I have to find the time to join you this time, girls! I'll do my best! xox

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

I'm in again this year. I just hope I don't forget!!

Simona Carini

That would be wonderful, Maryann.

That's great, Sandi.


Well, I have my novel - just have to decide on a recipe. : }

Simona Carini

Looking forward to your creation, Susan.


These guys went through a real food novel ;) -> http://www.itssucky.com/food_for_half_price/

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