Special Edition: Announcing Novel Food #7
You may have been wondering about the new edition of Novel Food, the culinary/literary event that Lisa of Champaign Taste and I co-launched a few seasons ago. If so, wonder no more: Novel Food #7 is here. As in the previous editions, we are looking at published literary works (a novel, novella, short story, memoir, bio, poem) to find culinary inspiration.
If you are new to the event, and you are wondering what it is about, here are links to my portion of the roundup of all the previous editions. In each post you will find a link to Lisa's portion of the roundup. As you can see, we are slowly building an impressive collection of literary/culinary references: Autumn 2007, Winter 2007, Spring 2008, Summer 2008, Autumn 2008, Winter 2008.
Rest assured, this is a fun event. And at the end, you get a nice reading list, which will keep you company until the next edition rolls around, later in the year.
Here are the simple rules for participating in Novel Food:
- Prepare a dish of your choosing that has a connection to a published literary work (novel, novella, short story, memoir, bio, poem).
- Publish a post about it on your blog by Saturday April 4, 2009 (midnight, Pacific Time), referencing the Novel Food event. Include a link to this or to Lisa's announcement. If you wish, you can use the Novel Food logo.
- Send an e-mail to Lisa (champaigntaste AT gmail DOT com) or to me (simosite AT mac DOT com) and include your name, blog name and blog address, and a permanent link to your post. Please, include the words "Novel Food" in the email subject, so we can more easily retrieve the message in our inbox.
- Non-English submissions are fine. If possible, include an introduction in English.
If you don't have a blog, send us an email telling us about the recipe, the literary work that inspired it, and, if you have it, a picture what you made: we will add it to the roundup as well.
Note: If you don't receive an answer to your email or a comment on your post within two days of sending me or Lisa the email, please contact us again: sometimes email messages get lost in cyberspace.
Lisa and I will do a roundup soon after the deadline.
Looking forward to it, partner!
Posted by: Lisa | March 03, 2009 at 05:45 AM
Hi Simona!
This is truly a beautiful and inspiring event!I was wondering,does text from the bible count as literary work? ciao,Mia
Posted by: mia | March 03, 2009 at 02:25 PM
Dear Mia, it certainly does. And now I am curious about what you'll come up with.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 03, 2009 at 02:35 PM
Wheee! I *just* was telling my hubby that I need to make something to go with Dealing with Dragons in anticipation of this event. I'm in!
Posted by: ruhama | March 03, 2009 at 04:49 PM
Hi, First time here. What a lovely event!
I'd love to participate.
Got to review both round-ups, I got the perfect book in mind, but don't want to repeat any recipe...
Posted by: Olga | March 04, 2009 at 12:27 AM
Ciao Simona, e io come al solito S.O.S. ??? cosa bolle in pentola? ;-))
Posted by: astrofiammante | March 04, 2009 at 04:30 AM
Hi Simona,
Ive sent you my entry,I hope you recieved it..
See you at the event.. :)
Posted by: mia | March 04, 2009 at 09:30 AM
I wish I had time to read. Blogging is taking most of my time and I have set aside all of my interests.
Posted by: Ivy | March 04, 2009 at 10:33 PM
Same with me, Lisa.
A title like "Dealing with Dragons" definitely wets my appetite: I am looking forward to reading your post, Ruhama.
Welcome, Olga: so glad the roundups were useful and thrilled you'd like to participate.
Ciao Marta, SOS ricevuto e messaggio esplicativo mandato.
I have received it, Mia, thanks.
I can understand that, Ivy.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 04, 2009 at 10:42 PM
I have to find the time to join you this time, girls! I'll do my best! xox
Posted by: maryann | March 05, 2009 at 07:23 AM
I'm in again this year. I just hope I don't forget!!
Posted by: sandi @ the whistlestop cafe | March 05, 2009 at 03:57 PM
That would be wonderful, Maryann.
That's great, Sandi.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 08, 2009 at 09:18 PM
Well, I have my novel - just have to decide on a recipe. : }
Posted by: Susan | March 13, 2009 at 02:15 PM
Looking forward to your creation, Susan.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 17, 2009 at 11:09 AM
These guys went through a real food novel ;) -> http://www.itssucky.com/food_for_half_price/
Posted by: Kira | April 21, 2009 at 08:25 AM