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February 11, 2009


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però quando la crosta è croccante e la mollica morbida e profumata si fa la scarpetta! ;)


spalmo spalmo eccome se spalmo.....è una delle cose che mi piace fare...ho fatto il pane di segale, lo posterò presto. bacioni a te Simo!!!

Simona Carini

Certamente Lo: hai completamente ragione. Ed e' una cosa che anche mio marito (americano) ha imparato a fare. Ne ho anche parlato sul blog: http://briciole.typepad.com/blog/2007/05/fare_la_scarpet.html

Ciao Astro, leggero' con piacere del tuo pane di segale. Bacioni di rimando.


Although very demanding,there is something very rewarding about baking one`s own bread,connecting us with one of the most authentic primal food preparation experiences of our ancestors.This post has created an ambiance that reminded me of this energy.Grazie,Mia


Hello dear Simona! How are you? I'm glad you are learning more about baking bread. It's fun and therapeutic! It also tastes so good :)
All the best,
Maryann xox


Very cool!


Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

I am laughing because I played your audio file and my dog Wilson started to grumble. I think he thinks you are in the house.
Good luck with your bread baking, they really look great!

Simona Carini

I totally agree with your assessment, Mia. Baking bread connects us to something older, bigger and deeper.

You are right, Maryann, it's all those things. All the best to you.

Thanks, Paz.

Poor Wilson: I hope he doesn't get too upset. Thanks, Lori Lynn.


Un buon pane deve avere una buona crosta ed una buona mollica,anche se io preferisco i pani croccanti con poca mollica:))

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