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January 08, 2009


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Bellini Valli

My immersion blender came into my life last Christmas and I couldn't live without it. Pesto and dressings are a breeze, as well as smoothies and soup. No washing up too which makes this the ideal gadget to have around.


Per la realizzazione di molte ricette è uno strumento indispensabile e pratico.
Il mio è ormai in età pensionabile e mi dovrò decidere a sostituirlo.


I never would have thought to use it for anything other than soup! Now if I only knew where I packed it.....
I love mixing vegetables like that.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

YAY for the immersion blender! I use mine quite often, and am happy I don't have to puree soups in batches in the food processor, as that was always a big mess.

Your vegetable dish sounds excellent!

Susan from Food Blogga

I received an immersion blender when we were first married. Every single time I used it, the soup ended up on me, the counter, the fridge, the chairs, etc. SO I'm still immersion blender averse. But maybe I should be more open-minded about them in 2009? :)


Very cool! I'm glad the immersion blender has earned its keep. ;-) I think I'd like to get one, too.


Simona Carini

Hi Valli. Indeed, it is quite easy to maintain, which is another plus.

Wow, Lenny, vuol dire che lo hai usato molto, il che non mi sorprende.

I am sure you'll find it one day soon, Katie, packed in one of your boxes.

I tried once to use the food processor for a soup and I wowed: never again. Mr. Lluelles gets thanked every time I use his invention, Lori Lynn.

Hi Susan. I won't deny that I've had spilling accidents myself, mostly when I try to use the blender on a small quantity of something. And the occasional splash still happens. I try to make sure the head is always submerged. We'll see if 2009 will witness the reconciliation between you and your immersion blender.

Totally recommended, Paz.


I've been wanting an immersion blender since forever! My hesitation has been similar to yours: Will I use it, or will it just languish in the cupboard that is the appliance cemetery? However, I'm taking your post as a sign that I should immediately buy one.

Your veggie concoction sounds lovely.

Simona Carini

Hi Lisa. I really recommend it. I think this is a tool that, once available, sparks your imagination.

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