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January 17, 2009


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Simo....non ci sto capendo un cavolo ;-))....è una raccolta con i cavoli? qualsiasi cavolo? e eventualmente il post lo
spedisco a te o alla mia omonima? bacioneeee!!


I like your recipe very much!


Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Sounds great Simona, can't wait to see the rest of the round-up. Love cabbage...Napa especially.

Simona Carini

Lo so che l'uso della parola cavolo crea tutta una serie di battute. Cavolo cappuccio, cavolo verza, cavolo cinese. E il post lo mandi a me. Grazie e bacioni di rimando.

Thanks, Paz.

Thanks, Lori Lynn. Indeed, I am glad I finally tasted this type of cabbage: it is very nice.


Good thing that farmer didn't have to transport me in the mix. I'd be eating the cabbage myself! Napa is one of my favorites. I also happen to have a large head of it staring at me right at the moment. I'm planning on shooting some photos of it, then preparing something with it. I think I've found my "something." : )

Simona Carini

I am looking forward to see your photos of the Napa cabbage and to reading what you did with it, Susan.


One of my favorite vegetables.

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