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December 21, 2008


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Susan from Food Blogga

Homemade marmelade and butter? Now that's what you call fresh ingredients. Oh, my, gosh, Simona, these cookies must be incredibly delicious. Thank you so much for sharing them!

bruno lorenzutta

I will get my daughter to make me some on Thursday - Christmas Day - nice with a cup of coffee -
I wish you Simona and family and all your Chefies a Happy Christmas and may 2009 bring joy, good health and good eating to all of us. 'Il kanguro Azzuro Bruno'xx


Beatiful Offelle Simona, and with your own butter and jam they must be superlative. And of course I love the fact that you chose an old receipt from dear Artusi.

Jeremy Parzen

Believe or not, I worked as one of the translators on the team that translated the Artusi — the first cookbook I ever worked on... The Da Ponte edition is so much better than the Random House edition that came out about the same time...

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Susan. It was a pleasure to contribute to your outstanding collection.

Thank you so much, Bruno. I reciprocate the good wishes. I hope you'll have a nice Christmas Day with your daughter and some peaceful time during the Holidays.

Thanks, Manuela. I find the Artusi a source of endless fascination and can't wait to try more recipes from it. In fact, I am planning to try one very soon...

Wow, Jeremy! It must have been fun (and intense too). I know about the other translation, but have not looked at it.


I tried them!!!!!!! Eheheheh :) They are delicious, indeed. Thank you again, Simona, for your wonderful Christmas gift.

Simona Carini

You are more than welcome, Marta. I am glad you enjoyed eating the gift as much as I enjoyed making it.

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