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December 04, 2008


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Wow awesome roundup. Thanks a ton for the gr8 info you attached with the recipe. Three cheers for your energy... Congrats sra dear on winning.


Mi accomodo anche io a questo meraviglioso e ricco banchetto finale: i legumi sono una fonte inesauribile di benessere ed è interessante scoprire in quanti modi possono essere gustati


delicious recipes. Great round up, Simona.


So many beautiful bean dishes! So many wonderful Indian dishes! Two things I love, together in one event and post. I really enjoyed your descriptive blurbs, as well; they were great previews and fun to read. I must tag this post to delicious right away.


everything looks so good here. i'm glad i ate before stopping by here. it's not a good idea to stop by here on an empty stomach. ;-)


Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

YAY Simona! Terrific round-up. I enjoyed traveling around the world and eating beans. I am off to read more about the specific recipes. I am soaking some Anasazi beans right now, and haven't decided what to do with them. I'm sure to get inspiration visiting these excellent contributors. Thank you!


What a nice collection of recipes, Simona! Thanks for all your well wishes..I appreciate them very much :)


This is a great round-up. So many wonderful, leguminous recipes!


what a delicious array of recipes with beans and ofcourse a very neat roundup.


Awesome Round up.Loved the entries and the round up was terrific.It was very attractive to read how you summed up each and every entry.

Simona Carini

Thanks everybody for the kind words. I agree that it is a very nice selection of recipes.


Delicious roundup Simona..Enjoyed reading the intro for each entry..


Thank you Simona for hosting and the lovely roundup. So many great recipes to enjoy legumes!


Hi everybody. Wow I discovered so many interesting ways of cooking with legumes and different types of beans. I was particularly attracted by Sarah's Black-Eyed Babycakes; Aparna's lentil and almond cutlets (WOW), and Mandira's lentil fritters. Susan's congris also sounds fantastic. Yeah but really what a beautiful selection of recipes. I am happy to participate!

Simona Carini

Thanks, PJ.

You are welcome, bakinghistory.

A beautiful selection, indeed, Cinzia.

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