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December 24, 2008


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I got here from Nuria's & am amzed at your post. Such a load of information & spicy stuff at that. The loaf is gorgeous & I love the balance of spices you've used. Have a great holiday season!!


mi sembra un ottimo cake, profumato e morbido........baci!


Very, very interesting!

Merry Christmas!



What a lovely event! Buone feste, Simona!

Simona Carini

Hello Deeba, and welcome. Thanks for the kind words. Happy Holidays to you too!

Assaggiarlo e' stata una piacevole sorpresa, Astro. Baci di rimando.

Thanks, Paz.

Buone Feste anche a te, Ivonne.


Glad you liked it. I hope you had a nice and happy X-mas.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Hi Simona - that was an interesting post. I love learning the Italian translation for the spices. I wonder how I would do, after over a year of reading your blog, on a test. I wonder how I would score translating the food words back to English. I know I wouldn't do as well going from English to Italian. But at least if I go to Italy, I will be able to read the menu. I really do make an effort to remember them.

Hope you are enjoying the holidays!


Happy New Year, Simona!


I love spice cakes and gingerbread! And the German variety have more spice flavor than the milder French versions. (And are a lighter tan in color) What a lovely treat. But you didn't really have to wait for it to cool, did you? I never could have...


dear simona,
here's wishing you and your family a wonderful 2009.


Deve essere meraviglioso questo pane Lebkuchen: dopo aver letto la tua descrizione, mi sembra di sentirne l'invitante profumo tipicamente natalizio.
Ti auguro un 2009 ricco di tutto ciò che desideri.


Buon 2009, carissima! :-*

Simona Carini

Thank you so much for your thoughtful gift, Ulrike. Happy New Year!

A very interesting question, Lori Lynn. I think you should be able to navigate menus and also grocery stores. Words that you've seen and heard here would look/sound familiar.

Same to you, Sra!

Hi Katie. It was hard, I must admit, and it was not really cool when I cut it. I love the flavor of the spice mix.

Thanks Bee, same to you and Jay.

Ciao Lenny. Auguroni anche a te. Le torte speziate mi incuriosiscono molto, essendo cresciuta a pan di Spagna e torta margherita, che sono certamente buone, ma che non consentono l'esplorazione del mondo delle spezie.

Ciao Miti' e grazie degli auguri, che contraccambio.

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