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November 02, 2008


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It sounds like a wonderful recipe (and I am very proud that I knew enough Italian to know what it was from the title too!) I recently made barley risotto, and I like your idea of switching to water when the stock is all used, as mine was a bit salty. Isn't sage such a wonderful herb. Looking forward to seeing you next summer when I'm definitely going to visit Christine!

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Hi Simona - I have been doing some landscaping. My gardener planted an average looking tree that I was not too excited about. But I got a surprise last week when bottle brush flowers opened. I think I'll be seeing some more hummingbirds now too. YAY. I need to trust him, he always exceeds my expectations.

Your risotto sounds lovely.

Bellini Valli

We live in a semi- dessert climate and have wild sage growing at every turn.


Last year, I came across carnaroli rice at Costco of all places. I acted like a hoarder and bought as much as I could afford at the time. I have never used sage in my risotto, but, after reading your recipe, I am going to try it. Most of my herbs were killed by Jack Frost, but, I still have lovely sage. It doesn't die here until it gets really cold. Below zero. Thanks for the idea of using sage. Great!


Barley risotto is indeed good, Kalyn And yes, I love sage. A visit for next summer would be wonderful: I am looking forward to it.

I love watching the hummingbirds from my desk: they remind me of the amazing beauties of nature that can be found in little things. Thanks, Lori Lynn.

Hi Valli. Indeed, sage likes dry climates.

That is an interesting piece of information, Lynn, about finding
Carnaroli rice at CostCo. I'll check there when I am through what I got in Berkeley (the regular Carnaroli). My sage plants survived some days of frost last winter. We'll see what happens this year.


I've never seen whole-grain Italian rice, I don't think. The risotto looks wonderful and I would love to taste it. And I'm also a devotee of pineapple sage! I love everything about it: the aroma when you brush past it in the garden, the pretty flowers, the soft and fuzzy stalks and leaves.


So lovely, Simona. You did bring some gorgeous treasures back, didn't you?

The red flowers of pineapple sage always make my heart sing. Such vibrancy!

Am going to track down the riso integrale.

Susan from Food Blogga

Whole grain risotto from Italy? Now, that I would love to try, Simona.


It is unusual in Italy too, Lisa. I am glad to readh we share a passion for pineapple sage.

Indeed, I did bring back so treasures, Lucy. This was one and there will be a couple more.

Susan, you make me think that maybe I should start an import business of special Italian food items.


Pineapple sage sounds lovely :)


Ciao Bella Simona.
'Risotto' always reminds me of one of the most delicious meals Mum made - Rabbit Risotto with Rosemary.. Yummie.. The Rabbit melted in my mouth like butter.. add the sauce with Rosemary flavour.. What great memories.. Do people eat still eat Rabbit? Ciao. Bruno


It is lovely, Maryann. Right now, for example, it's wet with rain and sparkling in the sun.

Ciao Bruno. In Italy they certainly do eat rabbit. Here in California it is not as common, but you can find it. My friend Marta cooked it recently and she wrote about it here:
Unfortunately I missed the dinner.


Salvia is such a beatiful plant.

Simona Carini

Indeed, it is. Unfortunately, freezing temperatures have affected my sage plants and I am afraid I will have to remove and replant most of them.

Lori Ross

I just received some carnaroli integrale from Italy and it has taken me 50 minutes so far to cook and it is still hard in the middle...any thoughts?

Simona Carini

Dear Lori, thank you for stopping by and for your question. Does the package say anything pertaining the cooking time? Did you boil it or cook it risotto style?

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