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November 18, 2008


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interessantissimo Simona tutto questo procedimento per farsi le due forme di formaggio che vedo in foto. Complimenti!

Susan from Food Blogga

This is really impressive, Simona. It clearly takes patience to go through all these steps, but I'm sure it's worth it all once you taste that homemade cheese.


I'Wm quite impressed, Simona. I'm just curious, do you add salt or does rennet or starter have it?


I'm really impressed, too! Awesome job!



Simona. I can taste the cheese all the way from Oz. I've just poured a few glasses of red, and... Yipee..
I can do this for hours.
Well done Simona


Christine, sporting a Cheshire cat smile, says: I've actually had the divine pleasure of TASTING Simona's cheese - the one in the photo with the pears - and it was awesome!
I can't wait to see your presidential endeavors, Simona.


Grazie, Francesca.

Hi Susan. It is indeed something that requires some patience, and therefore I alternate between making hard cheese (delayed gratification) and soft cheese (immediate gratification).

Hi Burcu. You add salt to the curds after they are drained. I'll clarify that in the post: thanks!

Thanks, Paz!

Thanks, Bruno!

A Cheshire cat smile? Thanks, Christine. I am curious too, but must be patient.


Simona, Your cheese looks so good, and you even waxed it! I'm curious how you did that, and please show us how to make ricotta!! Great post!

Laurie Constantino

What a great skill you are learning! And lucky you to have access to raw milk. The cheese looks professionally made!

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Wow Simona! You are my hero. That is a major undertaking. Congrats on your successes.


Ciao Simona, si, concerning gnocchi alla sorrentina the traditional recipe is with potatoes gnocchi so you can definitely try with bought gnocchi. I will soon make gnocchi fatti in casa. Volevo anche dirti che i tuoi esperimenti col formaggio fatto in casa sono di grande interesse per me. Adoro i formaggi (e la ricotta...) ma non ci ho ancora mai provato. ciao preparo presto il mio piatto coi fagioli e posto


Hi Marie. Waxing cheese is pretty simple. I got cheese wax from the store and melted a bit in a pan I use only for this task. I then used a combination of quickly dipping the cheese in the melted wax plus using a brush to ensure even coating. I repeated twice. The wax dries out very fast, so the process is not at all messy. I am currently collecting photos for the post on ricotta.

Thanks Laurie and Lori Lynn for your kind words.

Ciao Cinzia e grazie del chiarimento. I actually make my own potato gnocchi: I will definitely try your recipe alla sorrentina. I will talk more about making cheese as I continue with my experiments.

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