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October 29, 2008


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Your pizza looks pretty (I click the photo, so that I can view it better)
Love those cherry tomatoes, delicious.


I think your pizzas look fabulous. I bet they were delicious. Great job!


Great job, your pizzas look fantastic!

Lori Lynn

Hi Simona - though I'm not a Daring Baker, this challenge sounded like a lot of fun to me. And I look forward to seeing the creative toppings around the blogosphere. I like the idea of zucchini pizza.


You came back from a trip ... and you made your own mozzarella ... wow ... you're my hero, Simona! Bravissima!

Big Boys Oven

wow you did your pizza well! fantastic, I am sure they tasted delicious!


Great pizza's Simona, but I'm so intrigued by your mozzarella making. Do you have that recipe? I would love to try making some. Maybe you could do a post on that in the future!


che belle pizze Simona! I wished I could have tasted the one with your own home-made mozzarella. But the pizza with the bean-mushroom-Gruyere topping sounds also wonderful to me, as it contains three of my favorite foods.


Thanks everybody for the nice comments: this was really a fun challenge.

I will soon post about mozzarella, Marie.

The stew topping was indeed a great idea, Manuela. I will try again with other stews.


Looking forward to your post Simona, and thanks so much for the info you emailed me!!


I am intrigued that you made such great pizza & made the mozarella from scratch...a lady after my heart. Gonna take a look at that! These pizzas look gorgeous...I'm suddenly craving them at 6 in the morning LOL!!


You are more than welcome, Marie.

It is perfectly ok to crave pizza at 6 am, Deeba. Pizza makes a great breakfast.


Cherry tomatoes in the sauce, brilliant!

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