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October 07, 2008


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Buonaaa...specie nella crostata, ho anch'io un post sulle prugne conservate....
lo posterò presto... ciaoo,baci

Lori Lynn

Sounds great Simona. I just love how you decorated your tart too!


Quest'anno non ne ho fatte molte di marmellate, devo rifarmi con quelle dai sapori invernali. Cosa c'è di meglio di una genuina crostata?
Un abbraccio

Jeremy Parzen

I love that you write "I'm not a fan of pectin and so I let it simmer for a long time." It's a shining example of how patience brings out the best in the foods (and the wines) we consume.


Everything sounds so good. I'd love to taste your mom's cherry jam.



Lo leggero' con piacere, Astro.

Thanks, Lori Lynn.

Sono d'accordo con te, Alex.

Patience is the opposite of rushing. I agree with you, Jeremy, that with patience one gets a nice reward.

It was good, Paz, it was my favorite.

Susan from Food Blogga

Mmm... I love the idea of using summer plums. I haven't done it yet myself, but I just know I would love it.


Simona! E' stato un vero piacere incontrarti!


I love your plum jam/spread. The photo of the jam in the jar made me feel as if I could just lift that spoon and take a delicious mouthful. And the tart is so beautiful. I also loved the lavender honey idea. Wonderful, all the way around.


Very nice, Simona.


I recommend it, Susan.

Anche per me, Baol. Buona fortuna per tutto.

Thanks Lisa. I like the delicate nuance of lavender in the honey.

Thanks, Christine.

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