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October 28, 2008


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Those echoing steps are one of the things I remember best from a holiday in Siena a few years ago. Lovely sound.

Beautiful recipe. I do love coming home to my kitchen!


The post is full of atmosphere, Simona! I wonder whether pressure cooking will qualify for slow food :-) - to conserve fuel in India, we use pressure cookers for most grains and cereals - that's how I would cook the beans, after soaking them overnight.
Thanks for the entry!


Nice postcard!
And.. there's an award for you on my blog. :)

Susan from Food Blogga

I love the concept of a "slow salad," Simona. I can just imagine how inspired you were when you got back to your kitchen.


Glad to read you share my partiality for certain sounds, Lucy.

Good question, Sra. Using a pressure cooker to conserve fuel sounds like a good choice. I have been meditating on getting one myself.

Grazie, Marta.

Thanks Susan. I spent many hours in the kitchen last Sunday, after a spree at the farmers' market on Saturday.

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