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September 25, 2008


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wouuuu apro le danze culinarie! bellllisssssima raccolta,e varia, ( postato clam chwoder, baci!


sono ancora qui....ho letto meglio fino in fondo..intuisco che c'è una raccolta con la pera e che stavolta si invia ad una mia omonima? porta pazienza, intuisco giusto?


Wowww!!! Wonderful roundup :)
Thank you Simona and everybody who took part to the event. I'm really excited at this varied collection. I will definitely try some of these entries, many of them completely new to me! Looking forward to seeing you at the next pear-centered event :)

Simona Carini

Grazie, Astro. Intuizione corretta.

You are welcome, Marta. It was a lot of fun. I have my pear-centered post already planned.


Nice round up.Thanks.


un round up tutto color melanzana, che bello! E molto utile per portare ancora in tavola questo ortaggio molto amato.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Fabulous Round-Up Simona! So many excellent ways to prepare this favorite vegetable!


Oh, everything looks and sounds so delicious! When it comes to eggplant, you either love it or leave it. I'm so glad to be in the first camp.

Thank you for the round-up, Simona!


A wonderful line up of fresh produce dishes.



You are welcome, Sweatha.

Grazie, Francesca.

Thanks, Lori Lynn: I agree.

That's right, Susan: many people don't like eggplant. You are welcome.

Thanks Paz.


What a great roundup of beautiful melanzana recipes! I wanted to participate but I cooked up an Eggplant Dish (a Papoutzakia) that just turned out awfully bitter so it was not blogworthy. Maybe I'll have better luck with pears.


thanks for this roundup, dear simona.


Hello Simona, WoW! What a round up! Most of the entries are new to me. I shall try a few for sure. Thanks for the round up.


What a wealth of wonderful ways to use eggplant! One of my favorite veggies, so I love this. I look forward to checking out all of the dishes.


Sorry about the disappointing result, Rachel. Good luck with the pear dish of your choice.

You are welcome, Bee.

You are welcome, UjjU.

It's a nice collection of suggestions for exploring planet eggplant, Lisa.

Susan from Food Blogga

Yes! More wonderful eggplant recipes. Fortunately, our eggplants are still beautiful at the market, so I'll have time to try out a couple of these. Thanks for hosting, Simona. Ciao!


You are welcome, Susan.

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