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September 21, 2008


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Nice roundup. Didn't we get some wonderful guests (and food) around this campfire? It's great.

Till next time.

Becke (Columbus Foodie)

I think you guys overlooked my entry: http://www.columbusfoodie.com/2008/09/18/fried-green-tomatoes/


Great dishes and literary works. Thanks for hosting!


Wonderful entries - a literary feast upon which to, well, feast!

Shame to have missed the event, but I'd no idea this was the final chapter! Thanks for hosting it - both yourself and Lisa have made it a blogging highlight of the last 12 months.


As a professional literature nerd, I love this event. From the very first one on, I have my recipes but I always miss it. I will put it on my calendar for the 6th one.

Simona Carini

We did, Lisa, indeed: thanks to all of them for their contribution.

Sorry for the email mishap, Becke: your lovely post has been added to Lisa's portion of the roundup.

You are welcome, Manuela: it is always such fun!

Hi Lucy. We missed you, and let me clarify that this was by no means the final chapter: Novel Food will be back next season.

I like how you defined yourself, Burcu. Looking forward to you joining the next edition.


Mannaggia me lo sono perso! When I saw your notice on Novel Food on your blog in August I thought I wanted to do it, but I had hard couple weeks and no chance. I wanted to prepare "Gli arancini di Montalbano"... Ok next season then!


Thank you, Simona, for the great round-up of the usual goodies and good reads.



I just got snowed under this month!

Plenty of time to read and cook.

Simona Carini

Cinzia, I hope you'll participate next time. I am sure a lot of people would love to know about the arancini.

You are welcome, Susan.

Next time, Lucy.


Wonderful roundup of the entries. Everything looks and sounds so good. I hope to be able to participate in the next event.



Thanks Paz. I hope so too.

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