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September 27, 2008


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Plum spread sounds wonderful for your beautiful crackers. I also don't like to use pectin when I am making jams or jellies.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

I've never made crackers Simona. Something I will consider now. I really like your eclectic mix of toppings and that purple plum spread looks divine!


Brava! I love the spread of prugne that you made. It's one of my very favourite fruits!


I love the sound of your mixed spice topping for the crackers. Very eclectic!


I can't tell you how impressed I am that you made crackers, Simona. I've been thinking of trying my hand at them for some time. They look perfect, and I really love the toppings. Matcha salt is a new one for me.


Great job! Looks delicious. Glad there were no mishaps.



ciao Simona, complimenti per questi crackers, ne assaggerei volentieri uno....
comunque, non so se da voi vi scambiate dei premi, ma qui ce ne sarebbe uno per te...poi vedi tu se passarlo a qualcuno, baci e a presto.


Thanks, Elra. I am glad you share my distrust for pectin.

I recommend this recipe, Lori Lynn.

Ciao Ivonne. I hope you got to eat prugne when you were in Italy last month.

Hi Susan. The were easier than I thought, really. I got matcha salt where I get my tea: http://www.dragonwater.com/product_detail.tf/923_matcha_salt.html

Thanks Paz, me too!

Ciao Astro: sono buoni e non sono difficili da fare. Grazie infinite del premio!


Best of luck.


Does one say "il cracker" or "lo cracker"? The plural, I presume, is "i cracker."
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"


Thanks Jorge.

Hi Peter. We say il cracker and, yes, for the plural, i cracker.


I have a prugna tree but the only ones who eat them are the raccoons!

Well done!


It's a bit sad that you cannot harvest any plums from your tree. Raccoons tend to be greedy.


How did I miss this post? People, there was joyful crunching around our house too, due to the crackers that Simona left for us to enjoy.


So glad you liked them, Christine.

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