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August 27, 2008


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I think it's cool you've planted a plum tree!



that's what i miss most about california - the ability to grow citrus and a wide variety of stone fruit. i'm not crazy about eggplant, but jai loves it. we'll see if he can cook up something. this is one event we enjoy participating in.


Adoro anche io le prugne, nelle sue tante varietà ed è squisito il modo di gustarle che proponi, ma quando parlerai del mascarpone casalingo?
Non sai quanto sono curiosa

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Your fruits look delicious, can't wait to hear about the homemade mascarpone!


I'm so glad your tree is doing well, and hope it gives you lots of yummy fruit in the future. :)

Susan from Food Blogga

You know, Simona, when I was growing up in RI, my mom and grandmother used to buy these small, oval shaped black plums that were called "Italian prune" plums. I have never seen them here in CA, but they were remarkably good--somewhat sweet and somewhat tart with a pleasing crispness.


Thanks Paz. I am keeping my fingers crossed about it: I'd love to be able to pick plums.

Thanks bee. I am looking forward to anything that you and/or jai will prepare.

Ciao Lenny. Tra un paio di post raccontero' la storia del mascarpone fatto in casa.

Thanks Lori Lynn. I'll tell that story in a couple of posts.

Thanks Chou.

That's so interesting, Susan. Two weeks ago I found plums like the ones you describe at our farmers' market and got some. Then last week they did not have them: I was so disappointed.


scorrendo il tuo blog arrivo qui e mi par di capire che c'è
una raccolta di ricette con le melanzane....dato che proprio due sere fa ne ho fatta una, che posterò tra non molto...se ho capito giusto, allora partecipo e mi prendo il banner, ciaooo ( se ho frainteso, scusa)

Simona Carini

Tutto giusto, astro: aspetto la tua ricetta con le melanzane.

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