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August 04, 2008


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[eatingclub] vancouver || js

That chicken looks stunning!

Susan from Food Blogga

I've often read that the mark of a top chef is roast chicken. It should be crisp on the outside and succulent on the inside, just like yours. And that photo is really lovely, Simona.


Roast chicken perfection!
Gorgeous photo Simona!


Thanks so much for being a guest blogger. I love that chicken you made. Can't wait to try it. I've been salivating ever since your post and the photos went up.

Mi Piace mitico! Did I say that right? ;-) Mi piace troppo carino!


Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

I realized that I went over to Paz's site and commented there, but neglected to leave a comment here. Ooh that is one nice bird!

Simona Carini

Thanks, js.

Thank you so much for the compliment, Susan.

Thanks, Marie.

You are welcome, Paz, it was my pleasure. My brother would say, like you did, "mitico!"

Thanks, Lori Lynn.

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