The light has changed in my corner of the world, indicating that summer is giving way to fall. In other places, winter is on its way out, and spring is welcomed with joy.
The approaching official change of the season is marked, once again, by the announcement of a new edition of Novel Food, the culinary/literary event that Lisa of Champaign Taste and I co-launched a few seasons ago. Once again (for the 5th time, to be precise), we are looking to find culinary inspiration in literary works.
If you are new to the event, and you are wondering what it is about, the split roundup of the previous edition should answer your question: Lisa's portion is here and mine is here.
I will make this announcement short and just lay out the simple rules for participating in Novel Food #5:
- Prepare a dish of your choosing that has a connection to a published literary work (novel, novella, short story, memoir, bio).
- Publish a post about it on your blog by Saturday September 20, 2008, 9 am (Pacific Time), referencing the Novel Food event. If you wish, you can include the Novel Food logo.
- Send an e-mail to Lisa (webrina AT gmail DOT com) or to me (simosite AT mac DOT com) and include your name, blog name and blog address, and a permanent link to your post. Please, include the words "Novel Food" in the email subject, so we can more easily retrieve the message in our inbox.
Non-English submissions are fine. If possible, include an introduction in English.
Lisa and I will do a roundup soon afterward the deadline: once again, it will be our way of welcoming the coming season.
Ah, God willing, I will be among the first to post for this in early September. My post from the spring addition, which never saw the light of publishing, is ready except for the food. I'll get on it very soon -- and with gusto!
Posted by: Susan | August 22, 2008 at 01:11 PM
Dopo le vacanze, si ricomincia con il riordino e la programmazione delle solite attività e questa iniziativa è davvero interessante, per il connubio tra letteratura e cucina.
Posted by: lenny | August 22, 2008 at 01:50 PM
Yea! Though I hate to think summer is almost over, my favorite season is next.
Now to start pondering the book and food...
Posted by: ruhama | August 25, 2008 at 11:07 AM
Thanks Susan, we are looking forward to your contribution.
Ciao Lenny. Io le vacanze le faro' a Ottobre. Le tue mi sembra siano state molto belle.
Hi Ruhama. I am sure you will come up with something intriguing.
Posted by: Simona | August 28, 2008 at 08:55 AM
Che bello, un'altra italiana nella Bay Area. Sono campana, mi sono trasferita nella Bay Area da un pò di mesi e sono appena entrata nel mondo dei foodblogger. Beh, questo vostroo gioco mi piace, e ho già in mente un libro e una ricetta (un pò impegnativa)... Vediamo se riuscirò. Ciao
Posted by: Cinzia | September 06, 2008 at 01:01 AM
Hi Simona:
I just blogged up an entry for Novel Food and it's a winner: Yemenite Eggplant Salad inspired by Diana Abu-Jaber's novel "Crescent". Both very tasty.
Posted by: Rachel | September 10, 2008 at 04:58 PM
Ciao Cinzia e benvenuta. Non vedo l'ora di scoprire che cosa hai in mente: sono curiosa.
Thank you so much, Rachel.
Posted by: Simona Carini | September 12, 2008 at 03:46 PM