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July 03, 2008


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Simona, here's your strawberry salad. Interesting...the Italiani called strawberries Fragola, us Greeks call them "Fraou-la".


Well, that is a very beautiful salad.
Am closing eyes and imagining the way that strawberries and basil wrk together...and it's wonderful!

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Oh I miss so much good blogging while traveling.
This salad is intriguing. Can't wait to read your previous posts too.

Laurie Constantino

Simply lovely. Three perfect ingredients in a very creative salad. Great recipe.


Ciao Simona!


What a very interesting-sounding combination of ingredients. I'd love to have a taste, please. ;-)



Interesting indeed, Peter.

Hi Lucy. This is actually not the first recipe I create in which I pair the two: I love the marriage.

Hi Lori Lynn and welcome back.

Thanks, Laurie. Glad you like the combination.

Ciao Baol!

I which I could offer you some, Paz.

_ts of [eatingclub] vancouver

You had me at "alliteration". =)


Oh, che bella!
Thank you so much for such a wonderful contribution :) -- I love strawberries in salads!


what a delicious melange of flavours and textures!!!


I could not resist, TS: memories of studying literature in college.

Piacere mio, Marta.

Thanks, Bee. I was really pleased with the result.

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briciole di italiano

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