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May 03, 2008


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It's always nice to learn more about you, Simona. Hugs!


Interesting info. I like Baci, too. And now I must read the Wharton short story and find the Joshua Bell CD! Your book, by the way, is beautiful.


That's quite a list, starting from the first item. Bookbinder is on that list of things I'd like to be if I were something else. It's not as high as neuroscientist, but it is right up there with cartoonist.

I write with a fountain pen, too, and I will henceforth take pride in my ink stains.

Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

HI Simona - thanks for recognizing me with the meme. I am a bit apprehensive about that, but maybe I will give it a try.

The part about Joshua Bell and ice cream is adorable.


Wharton in one hand, baci in the other. Simona, thanks for these lovely little glimpses of your life. Very nice.


fountain pens make writing an experience, not a chore. it was fun reading your meme.


Lovely to know just a little more about you.

I'm about to embark on a book-binding journey with a local, traditional craftsman.

Can't wait!


Very cool random facts! I have one of Joshua's cds on my ipod. Too bad you never heard from him. I think he missed out on some delicious ice cream. ;-)

Paz (who loves baci, too!)


How interesting. I didn't realize you studied English and German in college.. You have a lot of different fields of expertise!
I love penne stilografiche too :)


Thanks Maryann and Lisa.

Neuroscience is indeed an interesting field, Peter. Cartoonist is something I have never thought about, maybe because I cannot draw.

This was the first meme for me too, Lori Lynn. It's fun, you'll see.

Thanks Susan.

I agree, Bee.

That's great, Lucy: I hope you'll share your experience with your readers.

Thanks Paz. I should not say this about me, but I also think he missed out.

Yes, Marta, after getting my nursing diploma, I went on to study something quite different.


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Cara simona, quando ho letto "fuso orario" e "ritardo" nel post di cuoche dell'altro mondo mi sono detta
"Simona vive in USA" E avevo ragione!
Ciao, mi chiamo Elena e vivo a Cambridge MA
mi è piaciuto sentire la tua voce via mp3
Ti ho iscritta nei feed così cercherò di seguirti anche s e volte sono così tanti che faccio un gran reset e aspetto il prossimo turno

A presto

Simona Carini

Piacere di conoscerti, Elena. Anche tu ora sei nel mio Bloglines, cosi' posso seguire le tue avventure.

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