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May 15, 2008


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I too discovered Purslane while in Greece last year and upon my return...discovered the stuff growing amongst our grass and it was just as good tasting.


Conosco questa varietà di erba che tuttavia non ho mai cucinato: mio nonno la raccoglieva per farne delle gustose insalate.


It grows all over the pavers in our front garden and I'm amazed at how quickly it becomes huge!

Wonderful flavour. It's used by Lebanese cooks, too, with sumac and lemon juice.

Glad you're hooked!


I pulled some up out of my garden two years ago and thought it was really quite tasty. You wouldn't need to buy it around here, it grows like crazy!


Wow, I would have never know that purslane was a vegetable! It sounds too close to porcellana, as you were saying. I really want to try the salad you point at from 'Almost Turkish recipes'. hopefully I find the purslane somewhere here!


PS - You've just been tagged in return to your previous tag. :)


Purslane is truly fascinating, but I've never actually tried it. Sounds great!

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Learned something new today :)
Thanks Simona.


It sounds like something I should know...but I don't. Time to get out the dictionary (the French one) to see if I can find it!
I like stuff with so many uses...

Simona Carini

I am also hoping to find it growing in some corner of my garden, Peter, but so far no luck.

Devo chiedere a mia madre se ne sa qualcosa, magari la conosce con un altro nome. Ah, le conoscenze pratiche delle generazioni precedenti! Ciao.

Lucy and Kalyn, I am envious. I have weeds of all sorts in our garden: where is purslane, when you want some?

Marta, I don't think I have ever seen it at the BB, but maybe at a farmers' market you'll find it. Tag received.

It is fascinating to see a weed become a star, jj.

You are welcome, Lori Lynn.

Katie, according to my dictionary, it is called pourpier in French. Does it ring a bell?


I never heard of or tasted porcellana before. Very interesting.


Very interesting post. I think this grows wild around my area; or am I thinking of lamb's quarters (which can also be eaten)? This makes me think again about planting some nasturtiums; I love how you can use the flowers and the peppery tasting leaves in salads.


Like Peter, I discovered this in Greece, where it's called "glystritha." Although I've since eaten the weedy stuff from my garden, the purslane I ate in Greece was a domesticated version with larger stalks and leaves that are easier to clean. Seeds for this are available from many seed houses. It's quite easy to grow.

Simona Carini

Hi Paz, I hope you can find some in a store and try it.

Lisa, according to my dictionary, lamb's quarters = pigweed and it is a kind of amaranth. I like nasturtiums too.

Thanks Lulu, for the information: that's a nice name. I actually just saw seedlings at the market and I am considering adding some to my tiny vegetable garden.

Luis Mojica

Nel mio paese, México, questa pianta si chiama "verdolaga" e si mangia con carne di porco, é veramente una delizia.


Grazie Luis per la nota. "Verdolaga" suona bene come nome.


you need to find seeds and plant them late spring. it does not grow early spring

Simona Carini

Thank you Sunni for the advice.

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