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May 25, 2008


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Che meraviglia caarissima: cerco di immaginarmi il sapore, ma quello reale deve essere di gran lunga superiore.
Degna di nota è l'evento al quale aderisci.
Buona domenica


Simona, this gelato lfavouring sounds wonderful!

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Oh, star anise and vanilla sound extraordinary. I think you are a genius! Maybe I would have mine with an espresso...Thanks for dessert, Simona!


This is awesome! I love to be in the kitchen to watch you make this.



Rich and dreamy. Lovely flavors and texture, and a nice treat for our long holiday weekend.


So cool! Now, did you keep some for the person who gave you the anice? :) :) Just kidding. :) I can actually try this myself, now!!!
Grazie per la ricetta e a prestissimo.

Susan from Food Blogga

Did you know that anise is one of my favorite flavors? I love it everything from sweet biscuits to savory tomato sauce. And your gelato with vanilla bean as well sounds heavenly, Simona. This is one beautiful and delicious bone-building recipe! Grazie!

PS-I really appreciate your tip about running your finger across the custard to test for doneness. That's great!

Simona Carini

Grazie, Lenny.

Thanks, Peter. It is a nice result.

Thanks, Lori Lynn. You encourage me to explore more pairings.

Maybe, one day, you will, Paz.

Thanks, Susan: I like the adjective "dreamy" applied to it.

I will make you some soon, Marta.

Prego, Susan. It is my pleasure to contribute to your event.


Simona, I want to taste this!!

Simona Carini

If you visit me, Marie, I'll make sure to make some to celebrate the occasion.

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