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April 02, 2008


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The bread sounds delicious, as do the knodel, which are intriguing. The closest thing I can think of to this is Matzoh balls, which of course are not the same, but they're helping me visualize what this would be like.


gnocci with old bread? what a great idea. dan leader's recipes are fantastic. i've seen him demonstrate sourdough on TV.


Il pane intrecciato è bellissimo e i canederli sono una mia passione. Riesco a mangiarne una quantità vergognosa!! Proverò a fare il pane con le erbe anche io, ora che ho piantato tutte le erbe sul balcone. Un caro saluto


Hi there Simona!
This is an interesting recipe.
Knodel ..sounds like something I would love. Thanks :)


Beautiful, Simona.

Rye, thyme and rosemary - what a lovely combination for early spring.


Hi Kalyn. My husband said the same thing.

Hi Bee. I like the book a lot. Tomorrow I will try another bread and see what happens.

Ciao Alex. Spero che le erbe che hai piantato crescano bene. E' troppo carino usare qualcosa che cresce davanti ai nostri occhi.

Hi Maryann. They are good and I will definitely make them again. They are also fun to eat.

Thanks Lucy. I agree.


Deve essere un pane molto fragrante e gustoso, grazie alla presenza delle erbe.
Mi sbaglio?


Mmm ... herb bread - sounds perfect for spring :)

Susan from Food Blogga

Oh, that's great. I just recently learned about speck, and now I see it here. I just love the sound of your bread baked full of savory herbs.


Non ti sbagli, Lenny. La quantita' di erbe e' ben equilibrata e il loro sapore non sovrasta quello del pane.

I agree, Kaykat.

Speck is really good, Susan. I'll see if I can find it somewhere: it would be nice.

Laurie Constantino

Lovely bread Simona, but it was the canederli that really caught my eye. They look absolutely delicious.


Fresh herbs with homemade bread, a match made in heaven!




Dumplings in broth, the ultimate bread and water.

It's fascinating to see the influences of history and region flavoring cuisines.
An especially interesting post, Simona.


I don't know how this post slipped by me as I thought I checked your blog just yesterday and didn't see it. Maybe I'm dreaming.
I love the idea of the knodel cooked in broth and think I'm going to try this soon. How did you like the rye flour?


Thanks Laurie. They are and I will make them again.

I agree, Marie.

Thanks, Baol.

Well said, Susan, thanks.

Hi Christine. I like rye flour. In this bread and another one I tried the other day it is used together with wheat (I will clarify this in the post), but I think you can taste it.


How interesting! I have never tried making anything like that - yet you make it sound so easy... Not to mention tasty.


The bread is beautiful, and it sounds delicious. And I'm so happy to find out about the canederli; I've never heard of them before! In broth, mmm, that would be right up my alley. How fun.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

I was thinking about Matzoh balls too, just like Kalyn, especially since Passover is around the corner and I'm getting ready to make dozens and dozens. Great post!

jann Mumford

Anytime I can find a bread flavored with herbs, it is on my dinner table! Sounds like a wonderful book that Christine referred you to~she has so many resources! I bet your kitchen smells wonderful with breads in the oven........ Will be catching up on your past blogs this weekend,ciao


Hi Katie. Compared to other breads in the book, this is relatively easy. I will tackle some of the more complex breads next.

Thanks Lisa. They are fun, actually, a bit unusual and very versatile.

One of these days I have to look at a recipe for Matzoh balls. Good luck about your dozens and dozens, Lori Lynn.

Hi Jann. The smell in the kitchen is indeed a great bonus, when making bread. Every time, though, I must explain to my husband about not cutting freshly-baked bread right away.


The recipe sounds good, but why on earth do you use non-fat milk, what a shame for a true European! Especially you are even from Italy...

Simona Carini

The recipe can certainly be made with other types of milk and if someone tries to make it with non-dairy products, I'd like to know about the result. I am afraid I disagree with your negative view of non-fat milk and of the people who consume it. I can assure you I started using non-fat milk when I was still in Italy. The kind and brand of milk we consume in our household has to do with dietary concerns and personal preference.

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