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April 29, 2008


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Nice view. I'd love to see the garden or ocean from my kitchen window. I have a lovely kitchen, but from the window I only see the side of the house next door!

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

This is a great post. I love the subject matter. I see the Pacific from my kitchen too, but it is a view of the ships leaving the port of Los Angeles going out to sea. Maybe I'll try to photograph it, thanks for the inspiration, Simona.


Hai delle bellissime vedute: la giungla del prezzemolo e la voce dell'Oceano.
Bellissima l'iniziativa di Elga che ci ha permesso di conoscerci un pò di più.


Wonderful views! Lucky you!



Simona, You have a view of the Pacific ocean?? I could only dream to wake up to that!


Che bello dare un'occhiata dalla cucina di tutte voi. Incredibile che tu veda l'Oceano. Un abbraccio


Hi Kalyn. I guess it would be nicer if you could see your beautiful garden.

I'd love to see what you photograph, Lori Lynn.

Ciao Lenny. La mia giungla di prezzemolo e' piuttosto comica.

Thanks Paz. I am very grateful for the view.

I do, Marie, and it is very nice.

Ciao Alex, sono d'accordo: Elga ha avuto una bella idea.


You must have wonderful dreams as you fall asleep to the sound of the ocean. (or is that too romantic..haha) Anyway, lucky you. The herb garden is wonderful! :)


I love your parsley jungle! What a great herb garden. And your view of the ocean is to die for. I'm with Kalyn; the window over my sink looks onto the house next door! I liked hearing you pronounce the words and phrases, as usual. I'm going to be going around saying, "Io cucino molto" from now on. ;)


Ma che meraviglia! Amazing, to see the Ocean from the kitchen. And I love Elga's idea! I'm going to put pictures from my kitchen in one of my next posts. :)


The sound of the ocean is kind of reassuring: no matter what's going on in my life, the ocean waves keep coming in.

Indeed, Lisa, that sentence applies nicely to you.

Marta, I know that you will have great shots too.

Bellini Valli

The ocean is 5 hours away but I have 2 lakes within a 5 minute drive. You are very lucky to have these views from your kitchen windows:D

Simona Carini

I love lakes too: good for kayaking on. I know I am lucky, Valli.

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