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March 02, 2008


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io di mele ne mangio anche due o tre al giorno, a volte come poco fa ceno con scaglie di parmigiano e bocconcini di mela.preferisco quelle succose e un pò asprigne, e magari dell'alto adige.


I love your morning ritual. Rome apples are my favorite. They come a little later in the season.

Simona Carini

Di fatto anche io a volte ne mangio un'altra per merenda. Sono d'accordo con te: mele succose e un po' asprigne.

You know, I don't think I have ever tasted Rome apples, Maryann. I will have to try.


Apple, chocolate, and tea? How interesting! ;-)



I always eat an apple, too! I'm very fond of Fujis. But following it with chocolate? You're out of control. ;) That chocolate tea sounds amazing.

I love your description of savoring the apple, and the chocolate . . . wonderful.

Simona Carini

Hi Paz. Will you try it?

Lisa, I always justify myself by saying that I was born close to a chocolate factory, so chocolate for me is a fact of life. I hope I won't have to give it up.


I share your love of mutsu, the only apple that can convert me from a "peach person." A chocolate chaser sounds blissfully, simply decadent. A lovely morning ritual all around, Simona.

Lori Lynn

Hi Simona - a few months back I bought some sweet tea towels and an apron at Williams Sonoma...an adorable pattern that had "mela" written in the design with apples, all red, yellow, and green. So cute.

Simona Carini

Susan, I have never tried to eat chocolate after a peach. If you try, let me know what you think.

Are we going to see photos of those items, Lori Lynn?

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