I am not a breakfast person: when I get up, the first thing I crave is something hot and liquid, which translates into a cup of black tea, followed by another cup of black tea, followed, an hour or so later, by a cup of coffee made using my stovetop coffee maker. It is not until mid-morning that I turn my attention to something solid and that something has been, for more years than I can remember, una mela (an apple).
Una mela al giorno leva il medico di torno (an apple a day keeps the doctor away), you may remind me. The reason for my breakfast choice, however, is really my lifelong love for apples. It is certainly a great bonus that apples are good for my health. What has changed in the years is my favorite kind: that spot has been occupied for some time by the Mutsu apple. This time of the year it is not available in the stores, so I am currently breakfasting mostly with a Pinova apple and sometimes with a Golden Delicious. Just yesterday, I purchased some Ambrosia apples but have not yet tasted one.
So, here is the recipe for my apple-based breakfast. Take an organic apple of your liking and wash it carefully. Bite into it and savor the juicy morsel in your mouth. Chew slowly and concentrate on the texture and flavor. Repeat until you are left with just the core. Place it in your compost bin. Wait a few minutes, enjoying the apple's aftertaste, then cut yourself a small piece of excellent quality extra dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa content) and break it into 2-3 morsels. Eat them in slow succession, savoring each one by letting it melt slowly in your mouth. Feel good.
Ricetta in italiano: colazione con la mela. Prendete una mela da coltivazione biologica e lavatela bene. Mangiatela a morsi, assaporando ogni pezzetto succoso che avete in bocca. Masticate lentamente e concentrate la vostra attenzione sul sapore. Ripetete fino a quando rimane solo il torsolo. Godetevi per qualche minuto il retrogusto della mela. Tagliate un piccolo pezzo di ottimo cioccolato amaro con almeno il 70% di cacao e spezzatelo in 2 o 3. Mangiate un pezzetto dopo l'altro, lasciandolo sciogliere lentamente in bocca per assaporarlo. Sentitevi ritemprati.
This is my contribution to the Una mela al giorno... event by rossdibi of Ma che ti sei mangiato... (but what did you eat). A year ago she had a mild stroke. Her event is a celebration of life with an attention to a diet that keeps us healthy. She asked bloggers to contribute a dish that, besides apples, features at least another ingredient from a list that includes black tea and dark chocolate. Here is the roundup.
Least I forget: after my apple and dark chocolate breakfast, I have another cup of black tea, called Black Chocolate Cream.
Click on the button to hear me pronounce the Italian words mentioned in the post:
or launch the mela audio file [mp3].
[Depending on your set-up, the audio file will be played within the browser or by your mp3 player application. Please, contact me if you encounter any problems.]
io di mele ne mangio anche due o tre al giorno, a volte come poco fa ceno con scaglie di parmigiano e bocconcini di mela.preferisco quelle succose e un pò asprigne, e magari dell'alto adige.
Posted by: astrofiammante | March 02, 2008 at 01:09 PM
I love your morning ritual. Rome apples are my favorite. They come a little later in the season.
Posted by: Maryann | March 02, 2008 at 02:48 PM
Di fatto anche io a volte ne mangio un'altra per merenda. Sono d'accordo con te: mele succose e un po' asprigne.
You know, I don't think I have ever tasted Rome apples, Maryann. I will have to try.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 02, 2008 at 04:14 PM
Apple, chocolate, and tea? How interesting! ;-)
Posted by: Paz | March 04, 2008 at 03:51 AM
I always eat an apple, too! I'm very fond of Fujis. But following it with chocolate? You're out of control. ;) That chocolate tea sounds amazing.
I love your description of savoring the apple, and the chocolate . . . wonderful.
Posted by: Lisa | March 04, 2008 at 06:03 AM
Hi Paz. Will you try it?
Lisa, I always justify myself by saying that I was born close to a chocolate factory, so chocolate for me is a fact of life. I hope I won't have to give it up.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 05, 2008 at 09:38 PM
I share your love of mutsu, the only apple that can convert me from a "peach person." A chocolate chaser sounds blissfully, simply decadent. A lovely morning ritual all around, Simona.
Posted by: Susan | March 07, 2008 at 09:40 AM
Hi Simona - a few months back I bought some sweet tea towels and an apron at Williams Sonoma...an adorable pattern that had "mela" written in the design with apples, all red, yellow, and green. So cute.
Posted by: Lori Lynn | March 08, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Susan, I have never tried to eat chocolate after a peach. If you try, let me know what you think.
Are we going to see photos of those items, Lori Lynn?
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 09, 2008 at 01:44 PM