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February 27, 2008


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Lori Lynn

Hi Simona - Yum! I am not a baker but this post makes we want to go bake a fruity cake. Maybe one day, I will make my Late Great Aunt Edna's Lemon Cake...you are inspiring me.


That Deborah Madison book is a real treasure - mine is stained and well-loved, too.

Stuffed with many of my favourite treats, this is...


I love your orange cake.
btw, I'm thinking of what to bring to your novel food event ;)

Simona Carini

Lori Lynn, I hope you will make that cake: the name sounds appealing.

It took me a while to get into it, Lucy, but now it's the cookbook I use most often.

Thanks Maryann. I am sure you will come up with something interesting and fun. I already have something planned for your event ;)


Ciao!!! Grazie mille!!
This sounds so delicious! So when am I getting to try a slice in person? :)
Thanks a lot for taking part to the event with such a great entry :)


isn't deborah madison outstanding? i have her soups book and love it. the cake looks delicious.


Oh! Your cake looks really gorgeous. I wish I could have a slice right now. So golden and wonderful.

And I really love the proverb!

Simona Carini

Prego, Marta, piacere mio. I am sure you'll get to try this cake or some other creation pretty soon.

She is, bee. Every time I go through that book I find something great to make.

Hi Lisa: the golden color is indeed quite nice.


This is indeed a delicious cake and would be perfect with an afternoon cup of tea. Right now I wish I'd taken you up on your offer, Simona! ;)

Simona Carini

I am sure there will be a next time, Christine.

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