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February 06, 2008


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Simona, the apricots and ceci, very interesting combo and quite inviting to my palete.

Also, i always play your recordings...even if someone curses you in Italian it sounds poetic!

baking history

I never tried this combination before, but since I love both dried apricots and ceci I am curious to try this recipe. I also like the nice colors of the finished dish!


I didn't like cecis until I was much older also. I think it was the texture that I had to grow into. But I love them now, and I like your dish, Simona :)

Lori Lynn

Hi Simona - I just finished a post with cecis although I called them garbanzo beans. Susan's legume event idea is great!
I clicked on your link to apriums, and learned about pluots too. Thanks, learned something new :)

Simona Carini

Thanks, Peter. I don't think I'll ever record a curse in Italian, though there are some that are quite interesting.

Thanks Manuela: let me know if you try it.

Hi Maryann. Indeed, ceci have a peculiar texture.

Hi Lori Lynn. I just saw your post. I used the word chickpea because it is the first one I learned in English. I am glad you found the link interesting. I love fresh pluots, while I have never seen fresh apriums: I will look for them in the summer.


Hmmm... I remember this and it was a delicious as it looks!


Simona, I know I would like this, as I love ceci's! A combo I must try!!


this is a great use of apricots. thanks for the recipe. we cook chickpeas often and are always looking for variations.

Simona Carini

That's right, Christine, I think I made it the first time you and Mr CC came to dinner.

I hope you do, Marie, it is really tasty.

You are welcome, Bee, my pleasure.


Happy valentine's day! Thanks for keeping up your wonderful blog!

Laurie Constantino

Chickpeas are one of the best lugumes and can be fixed so many ways - and here you come up with one completely new. It sounds worderful and by using canned ones, which I don't think affects the flqvor negatively; this dish may be quick but it is delicious .

Simona Carini

Thanks Nicole for your kind words.

Hi Laurie. Indeed, using canned chickpeas and chopped tomatoes makes the preparation quite short, so provided you have the ingredients handy, this is a dish that can be made at short notice.


Beautiful beans -- and the addition of the goat cheese to the polenta sounds wonderful.

P.S. I love the blue penguin!

Bellini Valli

As a child and even into my adulthood I didn't like legumes either...but I have turned over a new leaf and eat them with abandon :D

Simona Carini

Thanks Lisa. Blue penguins are really cute.

I feel the same way, Valli, like I have turned over a new leaf.

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