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December 23, 2007


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Wonderful! My compliments to you all! ;)
Sorry, Simona, this time I didn't make it...next time!

I wish you also Buon Natale! ^_^
kusje ^.^


I'm trying to read Eat, Pray, Love. (If only I had more time to read!) I'm enjoying the book and it's making me want to go back to Italy even more!


Paz sono.

More recipes that I would like that try and more books I would like to read. Wonderful lineup of books and recipes. Thanks for putting this event together. Lots of fun!

Paz ;-)

Laurie Constantino

Lovely round-up Simona -- you really did justice to the contributors. I'm off to see if Lisa's half of the round-up is done! Thank you also for the link to Twilight of the Books. The article was very interesting, though more than a little discouraging. Every avid reader should read this article.

Lori Lynn

Great post, I love the concept.

Gary gave me Eat, Pray, Love as a Christmas gift. I look forward to reading it.

Merry Christmas, Simona.


This is such a fun event - I really have to get out of my science fiction reading so I can participate!
(No, it's not all I read, just the current genre)


Hi fabdo: I hope you can make it next time.

Hi Kalyn. I can imagine how the desire to go to Italy will be a side effect of reading the book.

Thanks, Paz, for participating.

Thanks, Laurie. I read the article the same evening I wrote the roundup, so the coincidence was too poignant to pass.

Hi Lori Lynn: how nice! I hope you enjoy it.

I hope you will participate in the spring, Katie. No food at all in science fiction stories?


Hi Simona and a Merry Christmas to you! I wish you all the best from sunny Lanzarote!


Merry Christmas!!!


Thanks for this great collection of storied recipes, Simona. I just finished reading The New Yorker piece. Scary stuff, but not w/out precedent. Reminds me of Bradbury's "Farenheit 451." I can't imagine a life without reading and writing, and I don't want to.


A life without books would be sad indeed. I always have a stack of books on my reading table and somtimes read more than one at a time. Your round-up is inspiring and I hope to join in sometime.


What a great selection of books from the blogger friends~it is quite an inspiring round-up.......hopefully I can find some time to sit and read more next year~Happy New Year!


Interesting roundup Simona. Sorry I could not participate this time around. I want to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year in your new home :)


What a nice idea! I love this, and I hope I can find an inspiration to contribute if you have another issue of this event!


Thanks, Kendra and Baol.

I am with you, Susan, I don't want to imagine a life without reading and writing.

I hope so too, Christine. I used to be able to read only one book at a time, but recently I have gotten into the habit of reading two of them.

I hope so, Jann.

Thanks, Maryann.

Hi Marta. We will have a spring edition, which will be announced in late February.

Happy New Year to everybody. I am on vacation for a few days and will be back next week.

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