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December 17, 2007


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E' bellissimo questo tuo intento di far conoscere la cucina italiana...i bignè.....mmmmm....ottimi sia dolci che salati!



How very civilized...console the team's loss with sugar and sweets!


Gorgeous Simona!

I've not read the book, but it's on my list now. I will try to get an entry to you, but it's a mad time of year...


i bignè sono tra quei capisaldi della pasticceria a cui non si può rinunciare.
Uno dopo l'altro, sono una delizia continua


This sounds like a wonderful book. I'll have to look for it. I love the idea of eating cream puffs to soothe the disappointed heart. ;-)



Carissima, avrei voluto partecipare anche stavolta, ma purtroppo sono stata presissima dai preparativi! Domani si parte! Ti faccio tanti auguri e ci rileggiamo a gennaio. Un caro abbraccio, Alex


Nice post, Simona. I used to make these with my mom and we didn't use a mixer. We beat one egg in at a time by hand and by the end, boy, did our arms hurt! They are so delicious :)

manuela (bakinghistory)

bellissimo post, Simona. Credo proprio che cerchero' il libro che dici, mi incuriosisce. Spledidi i bigne' alla crema, mi e' venuta un po' di nostalgia...

P.S. ho spedito una mail con il mio post di partecipazione a questa edizione di novel food.


What a wonderful, wonderful post! I so enjoyed it, and now I'm convinced that I must read that book.

Your cream puffs look delectable, and I wish I were eating one right now! A lovely tribute to your auntie.

Thanks so much.


Ciao Baol e grazie: concordo.

Thanks, Peter.

Thanks, Lucy. I hope you can make it. If not, maybe for the next edition.

Hai ragione, Lenny: uno dopo l'altro, come ciliege.

Thanks, Paz. Cream puffs are good friends at any time.

Capisco, Alex, non ti preoccupare. E poi la storia del frigorifero. Fai buone Feste. Spero che parteciperai a primavera.

Hi Maryann: I am glad my post evoked nice memories.

Grazie, Manuela. Magari puoi fare dei bigne' per Natale...

Thanks, Lisa. It is a bit of a problem to have bigne' handy: they have a tendency to end up in your mouth.

sandi@ the whistlestop cafe

I have sent mine in to Lisa~ I can't wait to see what we get.
This is a fun event.
Merry Christmas y'all!


Thanks Sandi. I think about you every time I put on my beloved Whistlestop Cafe apron, which I love.

bellini valli

It sounds like you enjoyed the book as much as I did Simona.It would be fun to join in on the Eat, Pray, Love Italian Challenge if you would care too. To answer your question it does not need to be a new item, just needs to be Italian. I would love to have you join in if you like:D A fun lead up to the movie.

Simona Carini

Thanks Val. I've added it to my list of things to try to do. And yes, I did enjoy the book a lot. I really appreciated the way Gilbert approached her staying in Italy and how she talks about the country.

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