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December 13, 2007


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Questa crostata mi ha incuriosita e mi piacerebbe provarla.
Sono diffidente circa l'utilizzo della zucca nelle creme, ma poichè tutti ne parlano bene ed oggi lo confermi anche tu, vorrei ricredermi.


wow che meraviglia simona, io adoro le crostate e questa dalla foto e dalla ricetta mi sembra super :-P

p.s. credo proprio che non farò in tempo a partecipare al tuo evento Novel food, ho più di 160 ricette da smistare! Al prossimo ci sarà di sicuro. Baci!


A reserved dessert, the crema sounds delicious.


That looks really good. Pumpkin does well as a desert.


Sai Lenny, anche io non ero convinta. Col tempo sono diventata una fan delle zucche che si trovano qui e mi piace provarle in modi diversi.

Grazie Francesca. Anche io adoro le crostate. Non ti preoccupare, capisco bene la situazione. Ti aspettiamo per la prossima edizione.

Thanks Peter.

Thanks Kevin, I agree.


Lovely dessert - and how fun to have the whole city celebrate with you!


Wonderful crostata, Simone! I see your blog is bilingual now! Great idea! Tell me if there is anyplace online to do Italian lessons? I really have to learn more. I can understand more than I can speak and even that has gotten rusty (like me)..haha


Wow, Simona! How perfectly wonderful. I want to taste some!


Thanks Katie: it was fun.

Hi Maryann, you may want to look at the resources on this page: http://italian.about.com/
Let me know if you find anything interesting.

Hi Christine: not a problem ;)


This crostata looks and sounds really nice. Keith loves pumpkin pie, so maybe I'll try it or something very similar at Christmas time.

How interesting about the fair, the holidays, and the opera season all converging . . . around YOUR birthday!

Simona Carini

I haven't made this crostata since then, so I think I will try again this year, maybe tweaking it a bit. I have some photos of La Scala inside that I should post: it's a beautiful place.

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