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November 09, 2007


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Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

HI Simona! Your writing about your aunt is so touching. That dispensa sounds like a magical pantry indeed! Thanks for the crema recipe, I'll have to try it...


Fantastic post. The crema sounds so comforting...actually something I would like right this minute! I love the memories of your aunt, her preserves, her cooking!
Thank you for participating,


What a special aunt, zia Lucia. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe with us. I plan on making it again very soon.


African Vanielje

What a lovely remembrance for your zia, Simona. Thank you for sharing it with us and thank you for entering it in Apples & Thyme. It will be part of a collection of remembrances of some amazing women. Your aunt will be in good company


Thanks Lori Lynn: to me it was. I could always walk in it and find something delicious to eat.

You are welcome, Jeni. The crema is indeed quite comforting.

You are welcome, Paz. It was my pleasure.

You are welcome. Inge. I can't wait to read about the other women.


What a fantastic memory - and a wonderful way to get your milk!


What a great post, Simona. Thank you for your recipe. I'm keeping it :)


Thank you very much for the heartfelt tribute to your zia Simona. This recipe is truly a tribute to her!

Simona Carini

Hi Katie. Indeed, it was.

You are welcome, Maryann and Valli.

Kelly Mahoney

Sounds like some home-cooked comfort food.


Golosissima questa crema pasticcera.


Io invece faccio la crema pasticcera di nonna Loreta :-) Bellissima la foto con gli alberi che si rispecchiano sul tavolo! Un abbraccio, Alex


I can see you, Simona, sitting among the pots of some of my favorite flowers, "so completely content." A very pretty post, with many lovely, lyrical moments. Thanks for taking me along.

Simona Carini

Hi Kelly. It's certainly comfort food, sweet and soothing.

Ciao Lenny: certamente golosa.

Ciao Alex e grazie. Come e' la crema di nonna Loreta?

Hi Susan and thanks for your kind words.


Congratulation for your italian "cucina" from Italy!



I've just recommended this blog in the main Italian translators' list (langit), since I find it (your blog) really interesting. I believe you’re creating a wonderful encyclopedia, not just a "simple" dictionary!

Saluti da Roma,


Simona Carini

Thank you Finazio for stopping by. As a side note, I lived in Sesto for a couple of years before I moved to California.

Thank you so much, Carolina, for the kind words and the recommendation: I am honored. I actually worked as a translator (of nursing books) right after I got my degree: I liked it a lot.

anna maria

Ah sweet memories.
Sweet in more ways than one.
Thank you for this lovely, nostalgic post. I love crema too, and I used to make it for my mother, with the recipe from the book "Under the Tuscan Sun". It's funny that after a lifetime of crema, that's the recipe we ended up liking.


What lovely memories... and what a wonderful-sounding dish!

Laurie Constantino

I would love to be in a dispensa like your aunt's -- your description was as good as a picture. I wonder if your aunt didn't boil her pastry cream because she was giving it to you as a milk substitute? Lovely recipe, great writing, what's not to like? So, I am now a subscriber to your blog -- thank you!


We have one thing in common, we both learned from our aunts. Cheers!

Simona Carini

Ciao Anna Maria. I have the book, so I'll look at the recipe you mention.

Thank you, Ann. I can assure you, it is quite yummy.

Thank you, Laurie. I wish it were not too late to ask her that and oh! so many other things.

And another one is that we are both foodies, Gay.

Pieds Des Anges (Kyla)

How totally and unbelievably yummy. But I have a question: your profile says that you live in Berkeley and in Trinidad? Is that true?

I love that your aunt gave you cherries soaked in alcohol when you were a child and teenager. The whole guarding-children-from-alcohol thing in North America is so paranoid.

Simona Carini

Hi Kyla. As a kid I was given small quantities of wine and of spumante. It's pretty normal in Italy and I think it is a good custome.
Thanks for making me think about updating and clarifying my profile. I switched the order of the two places, since for a while now I have been spending less time in Berkeley and more in Humboldt County, California. No, not the Caribbean. Sincere apologies if I confused you: I tend to forget about the homonym. Thank you for your comment.


What beautiful memories you have of time spent with your aunt. Thank you for sharing both these and your aunt's crema recipe.


Your memories are beautifully expressed; I so enjoyed reading this post.

Simona Carini

Thank you both Lisa and Cakelaw (I like this intriguing name).


That looks and sounds delicious! That would definitely get me to have milk if I'd refused to drink it! Do you actually bake this into your crostata, or add it after the crostata is baked?

Simona Carini

Hi Julie. I bake the crema with the crostata. One thing is that the crust we make in Italy is different from the pie crust usually made here. I am actually planning to write a post about it some time soon, so stay tuned!

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso

Such lovely memories, and I can honestly say that I can see at least one afternoon full of crema pasticcera in my future ;)


Thank you I hope you'll enjoy your afternoon, sognatrice.


It must be now ten years since zia Lucia passed away.
May she rest in peace and light, along with all our zie who made our lives happy. :)

Thank you for this wonderful entry.

Simona Carini

Indeed, the anniversary has just passed. I was in Italy last month and visited her place of rest. She is alive in my memories and in my heart. Thank you for the kind words.

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