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October 29, 2007


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Smart to make a party with it, they must all love you after eating it!


I agree, the chiffon cake alone is worth making, well done!


A dessert party is the very best kind of party, in my opinion! Your Bostinis certainly look lovely, and your cake looks like it has a perfect texture...great job! :-)


Beautiful Simona! The chiffon was my favorite part too. I'd like to try it w/just fruit and creme fraiche.


Oh beautiful Simona, shopping, multi-tasking, have to start all over, oh my. Smart idea to have a party. I don't think my neighbors make desserts anymore, they just wait for delivery!


Excellent idea to have a dessert party! Your Bostini turned out beautifully!

Congrats on your first challenge!



I loved this post. Somehow, the Italian version of Bostini just sounds more elegant. And the pronunciation aide is wonderful! Excellent job on your Bostinis. I'm sure the people at your dessert party approved.


I had to cut back on the recipe because there are only 2 of us - although my husband would have gladly eaten more!! Great job on your Bostinis!!


There was just too much of it haha Hope you had fun :)Good luck on your move, Simona.

Simona Carini

Thanks everybody for your feedback.
Regarding the dessert party: I have organized a few as fund raisers in the past, though not this year. They were always fun, so I highly recommend them.
Regarding the move: we are moving most of our belongings from Berkeley to Humboldt county, but we are keeping a foot in the Bay Area, so some of our things are staying, just to make the matter more complicated.


Brilliant idea of the party to help shift all those desserts, especially with an impending moving. Molto intellegente!


Your bostini look great


Great job on the Bostini's! They look wonderful!


Simona, you are a trooper! Just home fr/ holiday, participating in WHB and Daring Bakers AND a household move. Whew! Take care of yourself. Your mini cakes look like they were a sweet success.


Well done!


I just love the Italian language! It sounds so beautiful in Italian ... your desserts are beautiful!

Simona Carini

Thanks everybody for stopping by. I agree that the Italian words sound nice, though the reference to Boston is lost.
Susan, I have to admit I am a bit stressed out about the whole situation, so I have to remind myself to breathe deeply and stop worrying to much. Back to work now!


This is such a lovely dessert! You have done an excellent job with it!


I love the oval shape of your dishes.

Jen Yu

I love that you had a party to share the bostinis! Brilliant idea and they look great too.


Your pies look divine and don't you just love that baking brings people together? :)


Dolce da svenimento!!!


You're not the only one; I think many custards went awry during multi-tasking mode! All your lovely little dishes are wonderful--I think you chose well. The dessert looks wonderful in them. And again, I'm enjoying the Italian lesson!

Simona Carini

Thanks you all!
Those oval dishes look cute: in fact, I may get a few more.
Bringing people together around a decked table is fun and warms the heart.
Glad you like the little Italian lesson I add to my posts: it is fun to make it.
Ciao Alex: esattamente, da svenimento. Direi per occasioni speciali.


Those lucky people to enjoy the fruits of your labor. I like the idea of the different shapes. I also like your husband's title. ;-)



I can't think of a better excuse to throw an impromptu party. Thanks for doing a great job with the challenge and good luck with your move.


Love the way you combine Italian and the English words. I look forward to baking more challenges with you! Great job!!


I am so impressed, Simona! I knew you could make this or any dessert that you set your mind to, but to do it while you're packing up boxes to make an impending move? No, I'm truly impressed!
Your Bostinis are beautiful. Are you bringing any with you? :)


Lovely pictures! This is a perfect dessert for a dinner party because it can be made into many servings.

I hope your move goes well.


Buonissima questa torta e molto elegante: complimenti. Ciao


Thanks everybody for the good wishes on the move: I am in the middle of a box whirlwind as I type.
Paz, my husband is quite happy with his title.
This batch of Bostini is gone, Christine, but I can always make more for my Humboldt friends.
Ciao Lenny e grazie. La torta e' davvero buona.


I love how you've named this dessert in Italian. It is all that more special!

Your bostinis are gorgeous.


I love discovering what the challenge is for each of us -- and learning that it is often different for each of us. I am glad you were able to find the time to join us this month. Congratulations on a beautiful Bostini!


I like the ramekins you used - your bostini look so elegant! By the way, I'm so glad you read my EEB article and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Simona Carini

Thanks Julius: I had fun naming the dessert in Italian.
I agree with you Dolores: it is interesting to read what was easy and difficult for each of us.
I will always remember this challenge by looking at the ramekins I bought for it.


Complimenti Simona molto carino il tuo blog, see you soon


Simona, fab post as usual!
I already told you, but you really do a great work with your Briciole! Brilliant!I mean it!
I hope I'll cope as good as you with my move. I'm already in stress ^_=
kusje Wonder Simona! ^.^


good for you doing the challenge right before a move! That is what I would call Daring!


I love all of the various baking dishes; so sweet! And your chiffon cake looks scrumptious. I can well imagine that even the cake alone would be delicious.

Oh -- and I, too, have turned what was to have been whipped cream into a butter-like substance! So sad.

Simona Carini

Ciao Ady e grazie infinite per il complimento.
Thanks fabdo for your kind words and the nomination. I am a bit nervous about all the stuff currently piled up around the house, but the sun is shining over the ocean and I think we will sort things out eventually.
Thanks Jenny!
Hi Lisa. I am planning to redo the chiffon cake soon using the small loaf pans and muffin tins. I love the strong orange flavor.


It looks great! And don't worry - now you'll know how to make fresh butter some day when you need to. :)


Excellent idea dessert party! I love the picture of the half Bostini in the oval Baker.

Simona Carini

I am actually seriously meditating about making butter.
Thanks Gabi!


Yeah, we had a ton left over and I halved it...there are only 2 of us too!

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