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September 30, 2007


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I'm glad the 2nd batch turned out well. The picture looks great. Don't you love rushing around on your bike to fix something? I always get annoyed because it's energy expended, but the I put in the perspective that I exercised *while* baking! It's great!


That looks delicious, Simona, and, as always, I so enjoy your food-related memories. Nice job!

Enjoy your visit to Italy and eat lots of everything!


Your buns look yummy, Simona. Great job! It was my first challenge also :)It was fun, wasn't it?


Bravissima, Simona! Ricordo bene le merende che mangiavamo durante l'estate quando io e mio fratello passevamo le vacanze con i nostri nonni.

Congratulations on your first Daring Baker challenge!


I loved reading your post, and I think your buns came out wonderful!


Great memories! Great job on your first challenge! Welcome to the DBs


Great post and beautiful buns! Congrats on your first challenge!


What a lovely, interesting post...and the buns look delicious...nice and golden...perfect! :-) And bravo to you for kneading the dough by hand. I get tired just thinking about it!


Really great post about your childhood treat! I will be looking for one of those when I'm in Italy in a few months. Great job on your first challenge with our little (ha-ha) group!


Love the language lesson being included!! Grazie!


I loved your trip down memory lane. And the buns look terrific. Welcome to the Daring Bakers!


I always have to heat mine up after the first day they are made...but still good.
Great job on your first challenge.


I love your post a lot! Baking is more than baking when it combines with sweet memory.


When I think of Perugia, I think of the big Coop just off the highway. And when I think of the Iper-Coops in Italy, I think of Mortadella the size of large trees. There. A useless tidbit for your day.


I always eat the middle last too, it's the best part.

Simona Carini

Happy Monday! Thanks to everybody for stopping by and offering kind words. I will soon be off to a grocery store to get supplies, things I have to eat as soon as I get to Italy.


Simona, I still eat my cinnamon rolls that way, leaving the good part for the last! It's the best way! Enjoy your stay!


I do what you did to your "veneziana", to many other foods, which I want to enjoy until the last crumble or drupple ^_^
Eating is also PURE Pleasure, isn't it?!

baci ^.^

Simona Carini

Just got back from a visit to a supermercato in Milan and, Kevin, there was a big whole mortadella and I thought about you: my favorite is the one with pistachios inside.

Ilva and Fabdo, I am glad we share eating strategies. Here are two other things for which I have a planned approach: Buondì al cioccolato and bomboloni alla crema. I will write more about both one day.

Figs Olives Wine

What a beautiful post! We taste things so clearly and completely and clearly when we're children. I remember the buns with rock sugar I'd have as a treat every now and then when I was small in Scotland so clearly. Congratulations on your beautiful buns!


What wonderful memories!! And congrats on completing your first challenge!


The veneziana sounds tantalizing! I wouldn't mind trying it some day :) And I adore the way you described the way you ate it!


Thank goodness for your husband's taste test! It would have been a shame to let such beautiful buns go to waste.

Simona Carini

Thanks for the kind words, all of you.
I have to say my husband is a great help in the kitchen: he gives me honest and accurate feedback.


What a fantastic post, Simona! I loved reading of your memories and am so thrilled for you to be back home again. =)

Welcome to the DB'ers!



Lovely buns Simona!


I love the variety of childhood memories this challenge seems to evoke from participants around the world. And I'll confess to eating American raisin-studded cinnamon buns the same way as a child.

I'm glad you stuck with the recipe and ended with a result that pleased you.

Simona Carini

Thanks for the positive feedback on writing about childhood memories. I am often surprised at the amount of bits and pieces, some of them quite detailed, that can be recalled. Writing about them is a way of making the memories last.


I really enjoy reading about your cooking through the eyes of an Italian. Having never traveled anywhere, I always ask friends who do travel about how other people live (and eat, work, play, etc.). I appreciate the insight into Italy. =)

Lori Lynn at Taste With The Eyes

Simona - your post brings another dimension to the baking challenge. Just terrific!

Baking Soda

Well done Simone, love your trip down memory lane, although nothing beats the memory I'm afraid! Well done


great buns there-my hat is off to you for attempting this challenge!Loved your post today-how is the trip going?Great to be back homeagain.....

Simona Carini

Thanks Julie. I am in Italy right now and plan to write more about how we do certain things here.

Thanks Lori Lynn: I am eagerly awaiting the next challenge and see what I can do with it.

Thanks, Baking Soda.

Hi Jann. The weather has been good so far and the trip fun. I have a busy schedule: the usual 'so many friends, so little time'. We went to Bergamo the other day, one of my favorite cities, and had fun walking around.


Thanks for the Italian language lesson with the lovely post on the buns. It's been *years* since my college music days singing in Italian, and it's nice to get a little refresher. Welcome to the Daring Bakers!

Mary at alpineberry

When I tried my cinnamon buns, it reminded me of a pastry that I used to get from a bakery in Chinatown (sans cinnamon of course). Funny how food memories work. :) Welcome to the group!


Lovely memories and buns! Even if the lemon didn't fit in your memories, I'm glad you enjoyed them. I really loved the lemon.

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