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September 22, 2007


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Simona, thank you for telling me about the Montalbano books and for cohosting this event with me. It was so much fun. I love everyone's contributions; it IS amazing what they (we!) all came up with.

Ciao for now. :)


I love this lineup and I love the idea for this event. Thanks for putting it together. I plan on looking for Montalbano's books to read.



Simona, these were all great reads. Your Inspector Montalbano reminds me of another gourmand detective, Nero Wolfe. I've introduced a relative to him; I think she (and I!) would like Salvo, too. Thanks for the terrific round-up!


Simona, You and Lisa did a great job on this event. Thank you so much for all your work. It was so much fun and the roundup foods look fantastic. Now I am off to the other contributors blogs :)


Simona and Lisa thank you very much for giving us this original opportunity!
I've enjoyed it all along!!! :)

Lori Lynn at Taste With The Eyes

Simona - I have been visiting all the novel food posts and really enjoying it. Great idea!


What a great roundup, Simona. My mouth is watering and my curiosity is piqued by all these novels. My book list is growing longer!

Simona Carini

Thank you all for your kind comments.
Thanks Lisa: doing this with you was simply great.
Paz, Susan, Maryann and Fabdo, thanks for contributing your amazing creativity to the event.
Thanks Lori Lynn and Christine: your enjoyment and growing book list is a great compliment.
Susan, I need to get hold of some Nero Wolfe: I have seen movies many years ago, but I really would like to read the book.


He's on my Amazon with list, as well!
Wonderful event and great recipes....How Fun!


This is some book list~where do you find the time to read all these? I have been away and missed out on this wonderful round up you did....I will try to catch up soon! Are you still going to IT? Let's meet up..Email me...

Simona Carini

Thanks Katie, I am glad you enjoyed it.

Welcome back, Jann. I am leaving in less than a week. I will email you soon with the details.


Wonderful round-up and fantastic recipes! Thank you Simona for hosting this event and for the great job you an Lisa did. I love Camilleri and Montalbano and enjoyed it very much to cook his favorite pasta! Ciao e a presto, Alex

Simona Carini

Thanks Alex. It was really fun. And thanks also for the link to the movies. I am adding it to the post.


I need to give you my itinerary,too-I would love to meet up with you and share a coffee or meal......


I really wanted to participate but I just don't have the time right now. I love the idea! Please do it again some time! Great entries!


Thanks Jann: we'll see what we can make happen.

Thanks Ilva. Lisa and I are planning to do it again and we will announce it as soon as we decide on a time frame, so stay tuned!

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