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August 19, 2007


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Hmmm... Never had chicken liver pate before.


Simona Carini

Paz, I am planning to ask my mother's friend for her recipe when I see her in October, then we can try to replicate it.


uhm che mi fai pensare! o visto su un bel libro di terrine una cosa simile che voglio fare presto. Ti terrò aggiornata tramite il mio blog :-) Ciao!


hi simona,

liver pate was one of my late mum's favourites. They eat alot of it in Germany, where she was brought up.

thanks for dropping in my pantry earlier,
love linda xxx

Simona Carini

Ciao Francesca: hai acceso la mia curiosita' e non vedo l'ora di scoprire che cosa stai meditando di fare.
Hi Linda and welcome. In central Italy we have a lot of poultry, so chicken liver is used in several dishes.

Lori Lynn at Taste With The Eyes

Hi Simona - thank you for mentioning me! I was thinking I should call my blog "Taste Liver With the Eyes" as I seem to post a lot of liver dishes (today is no exception).

I am intrigued by your mother's pasta with a tomato sauce and giblets. That is a dish I have never come across...

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Lori Lynn. Tomato sauce with chicken giblets is actually pretty common in central Italy. Usually they are added to ground meat (beef and pork), so their strong flavor is tempered a bit. The resulting sauce has a distinctive taste. I wonder if any Italian restaurant in the US serves this sauce.


Mmm, yes, that sauce with the giblets in it sounds delish. I must try that sometime.

I love chicken liver pate and have made it a couple of times, but not for ages. I remember one version had brandy and cream in it . . .

Simona Carini

Hi Lisa. If you try to make chicken liver pate, I hope you'll write a post about the experience.

Pakistani food

chicken liver pâté :o .. This is strange...

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