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August 12, 2007


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Oh, Simona, this is wonderful. Your memory of seeing a bit of the TV show is great.

About the "dropping the chicken on the floor" legend: I don't recall seeing that in any of her shows, and I used to watch them quite often. Maybe it is a myth. I do, however, recall something going wrong, though I can't bring to mind specifically what it was, and Mrs. Child saying something to the effect that it's OK, because you're alone in the kitchen, so who's going to know?

As far as sliding the hand under the skin to spread herbs or whatever -- I don't remember JC ever doing that, though it certainly might have happened. I've seen other chefs do it and have seen that instruction in other recipes, though, of course.

I really enjoyed your earlier post on the roast chicken, as well. Thank you for taking part in this event!

Simona Carini

Hi Lisa, you are welcome.
This is where I read a strong denial of the chicken on the floor legend: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/database/child_j_interview.html
I like the sentence 'you are alone in the kitchen, so who's going to know?' which I interpret as a way of saying: it is OK to make mistakes, so be kind to yourself. I try to make damage control into a creative enterprise, a challenge.


Very Nice memory. No T.V.? Wow! The mention of pollo arrosto makes me hungry.

Paz ;-)


Lovely and evocative. I've never been able to get stuff under the skin of the chicken - I'm too impatient and the skin tears. But I have seen that instruction in places - of course, I can't remember where.

Simona Carini

Hi Paz. We have a TV, but we use it to watch videos/DVDs. We don't have cable or whatever else you need to get the selection of TV programs.
Welcome, Maggie. Thanks for warning me about the fact that the skin tears. I am sure it is a tricky maneuver.

Lori Lynn at Taste With The Eyes

Hi Simona - I am so glad to find your unique blog through the Julia Child Event. I will visit often!

Simona Carini

Likewise, Lori Lynn: welcome!

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